A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 


AbstractDynamicalSystem - Class in ca.nengo.dynamics.impl
Base implementation of DynamicalSystem.
AbstractDynamicalSystem(float[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.AbstractDynamicalSystem
Arbitrary dynamical system
AbstractEnsemble - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
Abstract class that can be used as a basis for Ensemble implementations.
AbstractEnsemble(String, Node[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
Note that setMode(SimulationMode.DEFAULT) is called at construction time.
AbstractFunction - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
Base class for Function implementations.
AbstractFunction(int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.AbstractFunction
AbstractMultiTermination - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination
AbstractMultiTermination(NeuralModule, String, Integrator, DynamicalSystem) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
AbstractNode - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
A base implementation of Node.
AbstractNode(String, List<Origin>, List<Termination>) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractNode
AbstractProperty - Class in ca.nengo.config.impl
Base implementation of Property.
AbstractProperty(Configuration, String, Class<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.impl.AbstractProperty
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationChangeListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.NewConfigurableDialog
ACTIVATION - Static variable in interface ca.nengo.model.muscle.SkeletalMuscle
add(String, TimeSeries) - Method in class ca.nengo.io.MatlabExporter
add(String, TimeSeries, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.io.MatlabExporter
Filters TimeSeries data with given time constant (this is usually a good idea for spike output, which is a sum of impulses).
add(String, SpikePattern) - Method in class ca.nengo.io.MatlabExporter
add(String, float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.io.MatlabExporter
add(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.MU.MatrixExpander
add(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.MU.VectorExpander
addBCMTermination(String, float[][], float, boolean, float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
addBias(int, float, float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.ProjectionImpl
addBias(int, float, float, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Projection
Makes all the synaptic weights in the projection either positive or negative, so that the projection accords with Dale's principle.
addBiasOrigin(Origin, int, String, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
addBiasOrigin(Origin, int, String, boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsemble
Adds a BiasOrigin, which operates in parallel with an existing Origin, such that the effective weights of the two origins together are all of the same sign (as is normally the case with synaptic weights in the brain).
addBiasTerminations(DecodedTermination, float, float[][], float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
addBiasTerminations(DecodedTermination, float, float[][], float[][]) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsemble
Adds BiasTerminations, which are meant to receive projections from BiasOrigins.
addChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
addChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractNode
addChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
addChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
addChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
addChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
addChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
addChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
addChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
addChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.VisiblyMutable
addChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
addChild(SyncedUnitInterface) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.util.sync.impl.SyncedUnit
addChild(SyncedUnitInterface) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.util.sync.SyncedUnitInterface
enables to create tree of units unit is ready if all childs are ready or if flag "alwaysReady" is on
addDecodedOrigin(String, Function[], String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
Create a new Origin.
addDecodedOrigin(String, Function[], String, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
Create a new origin by splitting the given functions across the nodes.
addDecodedOrigin(String, Function[], String, Network, Probe, float, float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.DecodableEnsemble
Adds an Origin that corresponds to a decoding of the activities of Nodes in this Ensemble.
addDecodedOrigin(String, Function[], String, Network, Probe, Termination, float[][], float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.DecodableEnsemble
Adds an Origin that corresponds to a decoding of the activities of Nodes in this Ensemble.
addDecodedOrigin(String, Function[], String, Network, Probe, float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
addDecodedOrigin(String, Function[], String, Network, Probe, Termination, float[][], float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
addDecodedOrigin(String, Function[], String, Network, Probe, Probe, float, float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
Lloyd Elliot's decodable origin for decoding band-limited noise using a psc optimized decoder
addDecodedOrigin(String, Function[], String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
addDecodedOrigin(DecodedOrigin) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
Adds the given DecodedOrigin to this ensemble.
addDecodedOrigin(String, Function[], String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsemble
Adds an Origin that corresponds to a decoding of the activities of Nodes in this Ensemble.
addDecodedSignalOrigin(String, TimeSeries, TimeSeries[], String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
Similar to addDecodedOrigin, but uses a target signal and evaluation signals (over time) rather than a target function and evaluation points.
addDecodedTermination(String, float[][], float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
Create a new decoded termination.
addDecodedTermination(String, float[][], float, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
addDecodedTermination(String, float[][], float, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
addDecodedTermination(String, float[][], float[], float[], float, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
addDecodedTermination(String, float[][], float, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
addDecodedTermination(String, float[][], float[], float[], float, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
addDecodedTermination(String, float[][], float, boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsemble
Adds a new Termination into this Ensemble, at which information is to be received in the form of decoded state variables rather than spikes, etc.
addDecodedTermination(String, float[][], float[], float[], float, boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsemble
As above but with arbitrary single-input-single-output PSC dynamics.
addDecodedTermination(String, float[][], float, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork
Adds a standard decoded termination to the network
addDefaultOrigins(NEFEnsemble) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleFactoryImpl
Adds standard decoded Origins to the given NEFEnsemble This method is exposed so that it can be over-ridden to change behaviour.
addDelayedTermination(String, float[][], float, float, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ExpandableSpikingNeuron
addEncoder(Encoder) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
addEventListener(MyEventListenerInterface) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.Backend
Adds the listener which waits for new message from ROS events.
addEventListener(MyEventListenerInterface) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.newMessageEvent.OnNewRosMessageSource
addEventListener(MyEventListenerInterface) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.newMessageEvent.OnNewRosMessageSourceInt
addGroup(NodeGroup) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.RosUtils
RosUtils should remember all currently running groups in order to be able to stop them if necessary.
addHandler(ConfigurationHandler) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.MainHandler
addHPESTermination(String, float[][], float, boolean, float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
addIndexTermination(String, float[][], float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
Create a new termination.
addIndexTermination(String, float[][], float, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
addIndexTermination(String, float[][], float, int[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
addIndexTermination(String, float[][], float, boolean, int[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
AdditiveGaussianExpressModel - Class in ca.nengo.model.nef.impl
An ExpressModel that adds random noise and interpolated static distortion to DIRECT values as a model of spiking effects.
AdditiveGaussianExpressModel(int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.AdditiveGaussianExpressModel
addNode(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
addNode(Node) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
addNode(String, String, String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
addNode(String[], String, String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
addNode(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
addNode(String[], String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
addOneDimTermination(String, int, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork
Adds a one dimension termination to the network This allows the user to specify which dimension the input value should be stored in as opposed to sending in a weight matrix to do so A multiplier transform is also expected
addOneDimTermination(String, int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork
Default one dimension termination with no transform Sets a default transform of 1
addOrigin(Origin) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
addOrigin(Origin) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.modules.PeripheralsRegisteringNode
This is used by Decoders to add their origin to the NeuralModule, should not be used from any other place.
addPESTermination(String, float[][], float, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
addPlasticTermination(String, float[][], float, float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
addPlasticTermination(String, float[][], float, float[][], NetworkArrayImpl.WeightFunc) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
Create a new plastic termination.
addPreLearnTermination(String, float[][], float, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
addProbe(String, String, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
addProbe(String, int, String, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
addProbe(String, Probeable, String, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
addProbe(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.sim.Simulator
addProbe(String, int, String, boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.sim.Simulator
addProbe(String, Probeable, String, boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.sim.Simulator
addProjection(Origin, Termination) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
addProjection(Origin, Termination) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
Connects an Origin to a Termination.
addRegisterableType(Class<?>) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ClassRegistry
Adds a class to the list of types whose implementations can be registered (only implementations of certain types can be registered).
addSimulatorListener(SimulatorListener) - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
addSimulatorListener(SimulatorListener) - Method in interface ca.nengo.sim.Simulator
addSource(File) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.JavaSourceParser
Adds source code under the given directory to the database.
addSpike(int, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.SpikePatternImpl
addStepListener(StepListener) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
addStepListener(StepListener) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
addTasks(ThreadTask[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
addTasks(ThreadTask[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleImpl
addTasks(ThreadTask[]) - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.TaskSpawner
addTermination(String, float[][], float, boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.ExpandableNode
Adds a new Termination onto this Node.
addTermination(String, float[][], float, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleImpl
addTermination(String, float[][], PDF, PDF, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleImpl
addTermination(String, float[][], float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
Create a new termination.
addTermination(String, float[][], float, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
addTermination(String, float[][][], float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
Create a new termination.
addTermination(String, float[][][], float, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
addTermination(String, float[], float, boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.neuron.ExpandableSynapticIntegrator
addTermination(String, float[][], float, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ExpandableSpikingNeuron
addTermination(String, float[], float, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LinearSynapticIntegrator
addTermination(String, float[], float, float, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LinearSynapticIntegrator
addTermination(float) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
addTermination(Float[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
addTermination() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
addTermination(Float[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.BasicMultiTermination
Adds BasicTerminaiton of dimension 1 with auto-generated name.
addTermination() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.MultiTermination
Add new weighted termination with the default weight (1).
addTermination(float) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.MultiTermination
Specify the weight of this newly created Termination, if the Terminaion is multi-dimensional, weight will be applied on all dimensions.
addTermination(Float[]) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.MultiTermination
Specify the weight matrix for this newly created weighted Termination.
addTermination(Termination) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
addTermination(Termination) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.modules.PeripheralsRegisteringNode
This is used by Encoders to add their termination to the NeuralModule, should not be used from any other place.
addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel
addValue(Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ListPropertyImpl
addValue(Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.TemplateArrayProperty
addValue(Object) - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.ListProperty
addValue(TreePath, Object, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel
AgentConfig - Class in ctu.nengoros.tools.io
Holds info about generation, fitness and genome
AgentConfig(String) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.tools.io.AgentConfig
AgentSaver - Class in ctu.nengoros.tools.io
Is able to save and load agent configurations made by EA e.g., holds fitness, generation and genome.
AgentSaver(String) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.tools.io.AgentSaver
ALIFNeuronFactory - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
A factory for adapting leaky integrate-and-fire neurons.
ALIFNeuronFactory(PDF, PDF, PDF, float, float, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFNeuronFactory
ALIFNeuronFactory() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFNeuronFactory
Uses default parameters.
ALIFSpikeGenerator - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
An adapting leaky-integrate-and-fire model of spike generation.
ALIFSpikeGenerator() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator
Uses default parameters
ALIFSpikeGenerator(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator
ALIFSpikeGenerator.Factory - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
Creates ALIFSpikeGenerators.
ALIFSpikeGenerator.Factory() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator.Factory
Sets reasonable defaults
ann2ros - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.minmax.F2FPubSub
ann2ros - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.minmax.F2IPubSub
appExists(String[]) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.ProcessLauncher
This should check (by means of Unix command "which") whether the application probably exists.
appExists(String) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.ProcessLauncher
User can specify command as array of strings or space-separated string
ApproximatorFactory - Interface in ca.nengo.math
Produces LinearApproximators, which approximate Functions through a weighted sum of component functions.
AquaTreeUI - Class in ca.nengo.config.ui
To be used in place of the Mac look & feel apple.laf.AquaTreeUI (and CUIAquaTree), which seem not to respect differences in tree cell size, or to expand tree cells when they change size.
AquaTreeUI() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.ui.AquaTreeUI
areMonotonicallyIncreasing(float[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.StatefulIndexFinder
autokillerSleepTime - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.RunnableNode
autokillerSleepTime - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.Jroscore
autorun() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.RosUtils
AXON - Static variable in interface ca.nengo.model.neuron.Neuron
Standard name for the primary Origin of a Neuron, which outputs its spikes or firing rate depending on SimulationMode.


Backend - Interface in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend
This serves as a backend for direct communication with ROS nodes.
BackendUtils - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend
BackendUtils() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.BackendUtils
BaseHandler - Class in ca.nengo.config.handlers
Base class that provides default behaviour for ConfigurationHandlers.
BaseHandler(Class<?>) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.handlers.BaseHandler
BasicDecoder - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl
This is (the simplest version of) decoder, thing that receives messages from ROS and decodes them into Nengo language.
BasicDecoder(Node, String, String, int[], Units, ModemContainer, Backend) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
BasicDecoder(Node, String, String, int[], Units, ModemContainer, Backend, boolean) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
The same, but we can choose whether the Decoder will be synchronous or not
BasicEncoder - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.impl
BasicEncoder(NeuralModule, DynamicalSystem, Integrator, String, String, Units, ModemContainer, Backend) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.impl.BasicEncoder
Constructor of Basic Encoder which can hold one or more Terminations.
BasicEncoder(NeuralModule, int[], DynamicalSystem, Integrator, String, String, Units, ModemContainer, Backend) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.impl.BasicEncoder
Constructor of Basic Encoder which can hold one or more Terminations.
BasicMultiTermination - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination
MultiTermination which supports only BasicTerminations.
BasicMultiTermination(NeuralModule, String, Integrator, DynamicalSystem) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.BasicMultiTermination
BasicOrigin - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
A generic implementation of Origin.
BasicOrigin() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicOrigin
Dummy default, necessary for object "ArrayOrigin" in jython code TODO: Still necessary?
BasicOrigin(Node, String, int, Units) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicOrigin
BasicTermination - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
A basic implementation of Termination with configurable dynamics and no special integrative features.
BasicTermination(Node, DynamicalSystem, Integrator, String) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicTermination
BCMTermination - Class in ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl
BCM rule
BCMTermination(Node, String, PlasticNodeTermination[], float[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.BCMTermination
beQuiet() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleFactoryImpl
Stops the factory from printing out information to console during make process.
BIAS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
Append to bias termination names
biasIsEnabled() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.ProjectionImpl
biasIsEnabled() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Projection
BiasOrigin - Class in ca.nengo.model.nef.impl
Part of a projection in which each of the Nodes making up an Ensemble is a source of only excitatory or inhibitory connections.
BiasOrigin(NEFEnsemble, String, Node[], String, float[][], int, boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.BiasOrigin
BiasTermination - Class in ca.nengo.model.nef.impl
Termination which is somehow used in the Bias process? TODO: Figure out where this is used and why.
BiasTermination(Node, String, String, LinearSystem, Integrator, float[], boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.BiasTermination
bool2float(boolean) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.transformations.BooleanTransform
bool2float(boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.transformations.impl.BooleanSimpleRounding
BooleanBackend - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl
BooleanBackend(String, String, int[], ConnectedNode, boolean) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.BooleanBackend
BooleanHandler - Class in ca.nengo.config.handlers
ConfigurationHandler for Boolean values.
BooleanHandler() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.handlers.BooleanHandler
ConfigurationHandler for Boolean values.
BooleanSimpleRounding - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.transformations.impl
BooleanSimpleRounding() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.transformations.impl.BooleanSimpleRounding
BooleanTransform - Interface in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.transformations
Template how to convert (array of) floats into booleans and back.
buldBasicTermination(Node, String, int) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.impl.TerminationFactory
Builds BasicTermination which does not change input value.


ca.nengo - package ca.nengo
ca.nengo.config - package ca.nengo.config
ca.nengo.config.handlers - package ca.nengo.config.handlers
ca.nengo.config.impl - package ca.nengo.config.impl
ca.nengo.config.ui - package ca.nengo.config.ui
ca.nengo.dynamics - package ca.nengo.dynamics
ca.nengo.dynamics.impl - package ca.nengo.dynamics.impl
ca.nengo.io - package ca.nengo.io
ca.nengo.math - package ca.nengo.math
ca.nengo.math.impl - package ca.nengo.math.impl
ca.nengo.model - package ca.nengo.model
ca.nengo.model.impl - package ca.nengo.model.impl
ca.nengo.model.muscle - package ca.nengo.model.muscle
ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl - package ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl
ca.nengo.model.nef - package ca.nengo.model.nef
ca.nengo.model.nef.impl - package ca.nengo.model.nef.impl
ca.nengo.model.neuron - package ca.nengo.model.neuron
ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl - package ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
ca.nengo.model.plasticity - package ca.nengo.model.plasticity
ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl - package ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl
ca.nengo.plot - package ca.nengo.plot
ca.nengo.plot.impl - package ca.nengo.plot.impl
ca.nengo.sim - package ca.nengo.sim
ca.nengo.sim.impl - package ca.nengo.sim.impl
ca.nengo.util - package ca.nengo.util
ca.nengo.util.impl - package ca.nengo.util.impl
call(float[][]) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl.WeightFunc
cancelChanges() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationChangeListener
canHandle(Class<?>) - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.ConfigurationHandler
canHandle(Class<?>) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.BaseHandler
canHandle(Class<?>) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.MainHandler
CanonicalModel - Class in ca.nengo.dynamics.impl
Utilities related to state-space models that are in controllable-canonical form.
CanonicalModel() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.CanonicalModel
canUseGPU() - Static method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator
changed(VisiblyMutable.Event) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
Handles any changes/errors that may arise from objects within the network changing.
changed(VisiblyMutable.Event) - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.VisiblyMutable.Listener
changed(VisiblyMutable, List<VisiblyMutable.Listener>) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.VisiblyMutableUtils
Notifies listeners of a change to the given VisiblyMutable object.
changeRange(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork.PoiraziDendriteFactory
Changes the range from which the random number generator r is allowed to choose from when scaling individual dendrites
changeTimeConstant(LTISystem, float) - Static method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.CanonicalModel
char2float(char[]) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.transformations.CharacterTransform
CharacterTransform - Interface in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.transformations
checkDimensions(Float[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
checkDimensionSizes(Bool) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.BooleanBackend
just a single bool, not an array
checkDimensionSizes(Float32MultiArray) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.FloatBackend
checkDimensionSizes(Int32MultiArray) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.IntBackend
checkInstance(Termination) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.BasicMultiTermination
checkOS(List<String>) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.ProcessLauncher
checkOS(String[]) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.ProcessLauncher
Check which operating system is installed and then check whether the application can be found.
cl - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl.DefaultTimeMaster
ClassRegistry - Class in ca.nengo.config
A registry of implementations of selected types of interest (subclasses and interface implementations).
ClassUtils - Class in ca.nengo.util
Class-related utility methods.
ClassUtils() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.ClassUtils
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.dynamics.DynamicalSystem
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.AbstractDynamicalSystem
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.EulerIntegrator
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.RK45Integrator
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.dynamics.Integrator
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.ApproximatorFactory
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.CurveFitter
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.Function
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.AbstractFunction
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.CompositeApproximator
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.ConstantFunction
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.Convolution
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.ExponentialPDF
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FourierFunction
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FunctionBasisImpl
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GaussianPDF
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GradientDescentApproximator
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GradientDescentApproximator.CoefficientsSameSign
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.impl.GradientDescentApproximator.Constraints
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GradientDescentApproximator.Factory
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IdentityFunction
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndependentDimensionApproximator
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndependentDimensionApproximator.Factory
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndicatorPDF
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.InterpolatedFunction
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.LinearCurveFitter
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.LinearFunction
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.NumericallyDifferentiableFunction
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.NumericallyDifferentiableFunction.NumericalDerivative
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PiecewiseConstantFunction
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PoissonPDF
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.Polynomial
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PolynomialCurveFitter
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PostfixFunction
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SigmoidFunction
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SineFunction
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator.Factory
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.LinearApproximator
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.PDF
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.ExpandableNode
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractNode
Performs a shallow copy.
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicOrigin
clone(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicOrigin
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicTermination
clone(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicTermination
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleImpl
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleOrigin
Note: the clone references the same copies of the underlying node origins.
clone(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleOrigin
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleTermination
clone(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleTermination
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
clone(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl.ArrayOrigin
clone(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl.ArrayOrigin
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.OriginWrapper
clone(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.OriginWrapper
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.TerminationWrapper
clone(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.TerminationWrapper
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory.NoiseImplFunction
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory.NoiseImplNull
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory.NoiseImplPDF
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode.PassthroughTermination
clone(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode.PassthroughTermination
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PreciseSpikeOutputImpl
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.ProbeableOrigin
clone(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.ProbeableOrigin
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.RealOutputImpl
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.SpikeOutputImpl
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.InstantaneousOutput
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.HillMuscle.Dynamics
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
clone(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
clone(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.neuron.ExpandableSynapticIntegrator
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ExpandableSpikingNeuron
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberSpikeGenerator
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LinearSynapticIntegrator
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.RateFunctionSpikeGenerator
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikeGeneratorOrigin
clone(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikeGeneratorOrigin
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.neuron.SpikeGenerator
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.neuron.SynapticIntegrator
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Node
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Noise
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Origin
clone(Node) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Origin
Clone method that changes necessary parameters to point to a new parent, for use in cloning ensembles, etc.
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.BCMTermination
clone(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.hPESTermination
clone(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.ModulatedPlasticEnsembleTermination
clone(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PESTermination
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleImpl
clone(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PreLearnTermination
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.STDPTermination
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.PlasticNodeTermination
clone(Node) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.PlasticNodeTermination
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Termination
clone(Node) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Termination
Clone method that changes necessary parameters to point to a new parent, for use in cloning ensembles, etc.
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.sim.Simulator
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.LearningTask
clone(PlasticEnsembleImpl) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.LearningTask
clone(PlasticEnsembleImpl, PlasticEnsembleTermination) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.LearningTask
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.LinearInterpolatorND
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.ProbeTask
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.SpikePatternImpl
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.StatefulIndexFinder
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeries1DImpl
clone() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeriesImpl
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.IndexFinder
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.Interpolator
clone(float[][]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
clone(float[][][]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
clone(double[][]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.SpikePattern
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.ThreadTask
clone() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.TimeSeries
clone() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
clone(Node) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
clone() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.dynamics.NoIntegrator
clone() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
close() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.io.AgentSaver
closeAll() - Static method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
Close all open plots
collect(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.ProbeImpl
collect(float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.Probe
Processes new data.
collectNodes(Node[], boolean) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
Return all the nodes in the network except subnetworks.
collectProjections(Node[], Projection[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
Returns all the projections that would be in a "flattened" version of the network.
collectSpikes(boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Ensemble
collectSpikes(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
collectSyncedNodes(Node[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
///my This method should find all Nodes which extend SyncedUnit class.
collectTasks(Node[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
Returns all the tasks that would be in a "flattened" version of the network.
ColorBackend - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle
Reads RGB (3-channel) color from turtle, data are converted from byte to float and back..
ColorBackend(String, String, ConnectedNode, boolean) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.ColorBackend
comm - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.RunnableNode
command - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup.MyNodeConfig
commitChanges() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationChangeListener
Event for when changes are committed
CompositeApproximator - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A LinearApproximator that approximates multi-dimensional functions as sums of lower-dimensional functions.
CompositeApproximator(LinearApproximator[], int[][]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.CompositeApproximator
compute(boolean, boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.OR
compute(boolean, boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoGate
confAT - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.SisoAbstractGate
confBT - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoAbstractGate
confCT - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoAbstractGate
confDT - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoAbstractGate
confET - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoAbstractGate
confFT - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoAbstractGate
ConfigExceptionHandler - Class in ca.nengo.config.ui
Handles UI-generated exceptions consistently.
ConfigExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigExceptionHandler
Configurable - Interface in ca.nengo.config
This interface can be implemented by objects that wish to expose a customized Configuration.
Configuration - Interface in ca.nengo.config
Contains all the variable parameters of a Configurable object.
ConfigurationChangeListener - Class in ca.nengo.config.ui
A listener for changes to Property values.
ConfigurationChangeListener(JTree, TreePath) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationChangeListener
ConfigurationChangeListener.EditorProxy - Interface in ca.nengo.config.ui
An editor component (from ConfigurationHandler.getEditor(...)) must implement EditorProxy in order to allow retrieval of a new value when editing is complete.
ConfigurationHandler - Interface in ca.nengo.config
Manages configuration of Propertys of of a certain Class.
ConfigurationImpl - Class in ca.nengo.config.impl
Default implementation of Configuration.
ConfigurationImpl(Object) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.impl.ConfigurationImpl
ConfigurationTreeCellEditor - Class in ca.nengo.config.ui
TreeCellEditor for configuration trees.
ConfigurationTreeCellEditor(JTree) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeCellEditor
ConfigurationTreeCellRenderer - Class in ca.nengo.config.ui
Renderer for cells in a configuration tree.
ConfigurationTreeCellRenderer() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeCellRenderer
ConfigurationTreeModel - Class in ca.nengo.config.ui
Data model underlying JTree user interface for a Configurable.
ConfigurationTreeModel(Object) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel
ConfigurationTreeModel.NullValue - Class in ca.nengo.config.ui
For the configuration UI to use in place of a null parameter value.
ConfigurationTreeModel.NullValue() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel.NullValue
ConfigurationTreeModel.Value - Class in ca.nengo.config.ui
A wrapper for property values: stores index and configuration (if applicable)
ConfigurationTreeModel.Value(int, Object) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel.Value
ConfigurationTreePopupListener - Class in ca.nengo.config.ui
Creates a popup menu for configuration tree nodes, to allow refreshing, adding/setting/removing, etc.
ConfigurationTreePopupListener(JTree, ConfigurationTreeModel) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreePopupListener
configure(Dialog, Object) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.ConfigUtil
Shows a tree in which object properties can be edited.
configure(Frame, Object) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.ConfigUtil
Shows a tree in which object properties can be edited.
ConfigUtil - Class in ca.nengo.config
Configuration-related utility methods.
ConfigUtil() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.ConfigUtil
ConfigUtil.ConfigurationPane - Class in ca.nengo.config
ConfigUtil.ConfigurationPane(Object) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.ConfigUtil.ConfigurationPane
connect(String, Probeable, String, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.ProbeImpl
connect(Probeable, String, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.ProbeImpl
connect(String, Probeable, String, boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.Probe
connect(Probeable, String, boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.Probe
ConnectionException - Exception in ctu.nengoros.exceptions
A problem encountered while trying to establish some connection between Nengo (some Modem, launching the Node..) and ROS (rosjava core, external node..).
ConnectionException(String, String) - Constructor for exception ctu.nengoros.exceptions.ConnectionException
Just say where it happened and why..
ConnectionException(String) - Constructor for exception ctu.nengoros.exceptions.ConnectionException
ConnectionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ctu.nengoros.exceptions.ConnectionException
ConnectionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ctu.nengoros.exceptions.ConnectionException
ConstantFunction - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A Function that maps everything to the same value.
ConstantFunction(int, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.ConstantFunction
constantRateRun(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator
construct(String, NEFNode[], float[][], ApproximatorFactory, float[][], float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleFactoryImpl
This method is exposed so that it can be over-ridden to change behaviour.
ControlAndReadColor - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.turtle
Launches two nodes, one for controlling the turtle, one for reading the color from sensor.
ControlAndReadColor() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.turtle.ControlAndReadColor
convert(float[][]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
convert(float[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
convert(double[][]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
convert(double[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
Convolution - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A numerical convolution of two one-dimensional functions.
Convolution(Function, Function, float, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.Convolution
copy(float[], int, int, int) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
copy(float[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
copyInto(float[][], float[][], int, int, int) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
Unlike System.arraycopy, this function copies the source matrix into the destination while preserving the original row length.
coreRunning() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.RosUtils
correct(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GradientDescentApproximator.CoefficientsSameSign
correct(float[]) - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.impl.GradientDescentApproximator.Constraints
counter - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
countNengoDimension(int[]) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.BackendUtils
This converts (Jython) description of dimension sizes into length of single vector for Nengo.
countNeurons() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
Counts how many neurons are contained within this network.
createConfigurationPane(Object) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.ConfigUtil
Shows a tree in which object properties can be edited.
createDecoder(String, String, int[], boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
This method should add decoder (that is Nengo origin to this NeuralModule).
createDecoder(String, String, int, boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
createDecoder(String, String, boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
Decoder with number of primitive data types given by the ROS message type.
createDecoder(String, String, int[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
createDecoder(String, String, int) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
createDecoder(String, String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
createDecoder(String, String, int[]) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.modules.NeuralModule
Add the Decoder to the Module, that is: Subscribe to given ROS topic with expected type of data and expected dimensionality. Add Decoder to Node in the Nengo with corresponding dimensionality.
createDecoder(String, String, int) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.modules.NeuralModule
createDecoder(String, String) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.modules.NeuralModule
createDecoder(String, String, int[], boolean) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.modules.NeuralModule
The same as createDecoder, but the parameter synchronous tells whether the created Decoder will be synchronous.
createDecoder(String, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.modules.NeuralModule
createDecoder(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.modules.NeuralModule
createEncoder(String, String, int[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
This method adds encoder, that is owner of one or multiple Terminations to this NeuralModule.
createEncoder(String, String, int) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
createEncoder(String, String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
Create encoder where the dimensionality of message data is determined by data type (e.g.
createEncoder(String, String, int[]) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.modules.NeuralModule
Add the Encoder to the neural module, that is: Encoder is allowed to register own (potentially multiple) Termination(s) to the Node Encoder encodes data received on own Termination(s) into the ROS message according to the specified dataType and dimensionality Encoder then publishes ROS message to given topicName each simulation step. Note: name of ROS node is specified by the Modem instance.
createEncoder(String, String, int) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.modules.NeuralModule
createEncoder(String, String) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.modules.NeuralModule
createEnsembleOrigin(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
Create an Origin that concatenates the values of internal Origins.
createFrame() - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
createFunctionOriginDendrites() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork
Creates an origin at the dendrite level with a user specified function The value calculated at the dendrites is then transferred to the soma ensemble
CreateMatrixEditor(Object, ConfigurationChangeListener) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.MatrixHandler
CreateMatrixEditor(Object, ConfigurationChangeListener) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.MatrixHandlerBase
CreateMatrixEditor(Object, ConfigurationChangeListener) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.VectorHandler
CriticallyDampedMuscle - Class in ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl
A simple, phenomenological muscle model in which activation-force dynamics are modelled with a linear 2nd-order low-pass filter (see e.g.
CriticallyDampedMuscle(String, float, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.CriticallyDampedMuscle
ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory - package ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory
Builds containers for ROS nodes.
ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo - package ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo
ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.turtle - package ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.turtle
ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode - package ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode
ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode.impl - package ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode.impl
ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem - package ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem
ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl - package ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl
ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode - package ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode
ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl - package ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl
ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend - package ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend
ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl - package ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl
ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle - package ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle
ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.newMessageEvent - package ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.newMessageEvent
ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders - package ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders
ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl - package ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl
ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders - package ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders
ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.impl - package ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.impl
ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination - package ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination
ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.impl - package ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.impl
ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.transformations - package ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.transformations
ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.transformations.impl - package ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.transformations.impl
ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils - package ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils
Utilities used to communicate with ROS or ROSjava core.
ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.params - package ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.params
ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time - package ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time
ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl - package ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl
ctu.nengoros.dynamics - package ctu.nengoros.dynamics
ctu.nengoros.exceptions - package ctu.nengoros.exceptions
ctu.nengoros.modules - package ctu.nengoros.modules
ctu.nengoros.modules.impl - package ctu.nengoros.modules.impl
ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo - package ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo
ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate - package ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate
MISO Gate copied from logic/gates for testing purposes.
ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util - package ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util
ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.minmax - package ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.minmax
ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.pubsub - package ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.pubsub
ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodeTesters - package ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodeTesters
ctu.nengoros.tools.io - package ctu.nengoros.tools.io
ctu.nengoros.tools.utils - package ctu.nengoros.tools.utils
ctu.nengoros.util.sync - package ctu.nengoros.util.sync
ctu.nengoros.util.sync.impl - package ctu.nengoros.util.sync.impl
CURRENT - Static variable in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
Name of Origin representing unscaled and unbiased current entering the soma.
CurveFitter - Interface in ca.nengo.math
Finds a Function that fits a set of a example points in some sense (e.g.


dataToString(int, float, float[]) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.io.AgentSaver
DataTypesMap - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend
This stores short versions of supported ROS data types.
DataTypesMap() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.DataTypesMap
DataUtils - Class in ca.nengo.util
Tools manipulating TimeSeries and SpikePattern data.
DataUtils() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.DataUtils
DEBUG - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
DecodableEnsemble - Interface in ca.nengo.model.nef
An Ensemble that produces output signals that mean something when taken together.
DecodableEnsembleImpl - Class in ca.nengo.model.nef.impl
Default implementation of DecodableEnsemble.
DecodableEnsembleImpl(String, Node[], ApproximatorFactory) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
DecodedOrigin - Class in ca.nengo.model.nef.impl
An Origin of functions of the state variables of an NEFEnsemble.
DecodedOrigin(Node, String, Node[], String, Function[], LinearApproximator) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
With this constructor, decoding vectors are generated using default settings.
DecodedOrigin(Node, String, Node[], String, Function[], float[][], int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
With this constructor decoding vectors are specified by the caller.
DecodedOrigin(Node, String, Node[], String, TimeSeries, LinearApproximator) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
With this constructor the target is a signal over time rather than a function.
DecodedTermination - Class in ca.nengo.model.nef.impl
A Termination of decoded state vectors onto an NEFEnsemble.
DecodedTermination(Node, String, float[][], LinearSystem, Integrator) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
decodeMessage(Message) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.Backend
This method decodes the last available message from ROS into Nengo format (that is an array of floats)
decodeMessage(Message) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.BooleanBackend
Get message data (this receives arrays of floats, so just return the payload).
decodeMessage(Message) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.FloatBackend
Get message data (this receives arrays of floats, so just return the payload).
decodeMessage(Message) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.IntBackend
Get message data (this receives arrays of ints, just cast them to floats).
decodeMessage(Message) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.ColorBackend
Get message data (this receives 3 bytes, just cast them to floats).
decodeMessage(Message) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.PoseBackend
Get message data (this receives arrays of ints, just cast them to floats).
decodeMessage(Message) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.TwistBackend
Get message data (this receives arrays of ints, just cast them to floats).
decodeMessage(Message) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.VelocityBackend
Get message data (this receives arrays of ints, just cast them to floats).
Decoder - Interface in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders
this is decoder of ROS messages, it does: -in constructor should do this: -subscribe to a topic which is the same of name of this decoder -subscribe to event onNewMessage -decoder should decode each message into Nengo format, that is: -RealValues -or Spikes
DEF_W - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
DEFAULT_BUG_MESSAGE - Static variable in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigExceptionHandler
Show this message if a better one isn't defined
DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
Default name for a Network
defaultConfiguration(Object) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.ConfigUtil
DefaultExpressModel - Class in ca.nengo.model.nef.impl
An ExpressModel that determines simplified noise and distortion models from simulations.
DefaultExpressModel(DecodedOrigin) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DefaultExpressModel
DefaultFunctionInterpreter - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
Default implementation of FunctionInterpreter.
DefaultFunctionInterpreter() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.DefaultFunctionInterpreter
Initializes data structures TODO: Make this a static list or something, why are we doing this for each function
DefaultModem - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl
This is an implementation of ROS part of Modem.
DefaultModem() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.DefaultModem
DefaultModem(String) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.DefaultModem
DefaultNeuralModule - Class in ctu.nengoros.modules.impl
Extend this Neuron in order to implement your own functionality, or use DefaultNeuralModule.
DefaultNeuralModule(String, NodeGroup) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
The NeuralModule which features BasicEncoders (with BasicMultiTerminations), BasicDecoders (which are synchronous by default, that means they wait for ROS message to be received), which is synchronous by default.
DefaultNeuralModule(String, NodeGroup, boolean) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
The NeuralModule which features BasicEncoders (with BasicMultiTerminations), BasicDecoders (which are synchronous by default, that means they wait for ROS message to be received), which is synchronous by default.
defaultNumJavaThreads - Static variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
defaultParameterHandler - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.RosTimeUtilFactory
DefaultPlotter - Class in ca.nengo.plot.impl
Default Plotter implementation.
DefaultPlotter() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.plot.impl.DefaultPlotter
DefaultTimeMaster - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl
Periodically publishes simulation time across the ROS network to be used by other ROS nodes.
DefaultTimeMaster() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl.DefaultTimeMaster
defaultTimeMaster - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.RosTimeUtilFactory
DefaultTimeSlave - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl
Here, the Nengo simulator waits for new tick from external clock, reads its value and passes this to the simulation step.
DefaultTimeSlave() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl.DefaultTimeSlave
defaultTimeSlave - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.RosTimeUtilFactory
defineJoint(String, Function[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
defineMuscle(int, SkeletalMuscle, Function, Function) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
defineProperty(Property) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ConfigurationImpl
To be called by the associated Configurable, immediately after construction (once per property).
defineSingleValuedProperty(String, Class<?>, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ConfigurationImpl
defineTemplateProperty(String, Class<?>, Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ConfigurationImpl
DEFLEV - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
DelayedLinearExponentialTermination - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
A LinearExponentialTermination where all inputs are delayed by a fixed number of timesteps.
DelayedLinearExponentialTermination(Node, String, float[], float, int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.DelayedLinearExponentialTermination
DelimitedFileExporter - Class in ca.nengo.io
Exports TimeSeries, SpikePattern, and float[][] data to delimited text files.
DelimitedFileExporter() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.io.DelimitedFileExporter
Uses default column delimiter ", " and row delimiter "\r\n".
DelimitedFileExporter(String, String) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.io.DelimitedFileExporter
deltaOmega(int, int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.hPESTermination
deltaOmega(int, int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PESTermination
DemoPublisher - Class in ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.pubsub
Demo ROS node: publish array of integers on the given topic.
DemoPublisher() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.pubsub.DemoPublisher
DemoSubscriber - Class in ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.pubsub
Demo node: subscribe to a given topic and write received array-of-integer messages into the log ROS-console.
DemoSubscriber() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.pubsub.DemoSubscriber
DFS(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.DFSIterator
DFSIterator - Class in ca.nengo.util.impl
DFSIterator() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.DFSIterator
diag(float[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
diag(float[][]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
difference(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
difference(float[], float[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
difference(float[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
DifferentiableFunction - Interface in ca.nengo.math
A Function with a known derivative.
DIMENSION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class ca.nengo.math.impl.AbstractFunction
How should we refer to the dimension?
DIMENSION_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface ca.nengo.model.Noise
How do we refer to the dimension?
dimensions - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.impl.BasicEncoder
dimensions - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
discardChildsReady() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.util.sync.impl.SyncedUnit
discardChildsReady() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.util.sync.SyncedUnitInterface
Make me and all childs not ready (except those set to asynchronous - alwaysready)
doneOrigins() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.DecodableEnsemble
This method can optionally be called after all decoded Origins have been added, in order to free resources that are needed for adding new decodings.
doneOrigins() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
DOPAMINE - Static variable in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberNeuronFactory
Name of distinguished dopamine termination.
doPlot(TimeSeries, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.impl.DefaultPlotter
doPlot(TimeSeries, TimeSeries, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.impl.DefaultPlotter
doPlot(List<TimeSeries>, List<SpikePattern>, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.impl.DefaultPlotter
doPlot(NEFEnsemble, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.impl.DefaultPlotter
doPlot(NEFEnsemble) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.impl.DefaultPlotter
doPlot(SpikePattern) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.impl.DefaultPlotter
doPlot(Function, float, float, float, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.impl.DefaultPlotter
doPlot(float[], String) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.impl.DefaultPlotter
doPlot(float[], float[], String) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.impl.DefaultPlotter
doPlot(float[], float[][], String) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.impl.DefaultPlotter
Accepts a matrix as the second argument, and plots each row of the matrix separately as in doPlot(float[], float[], java.lang.String).
doPlot(TimeSeries, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
doPlot(TimeSeries, TimeSeries, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
doPlot(List<TimeSeries>, List<SpikePattern>, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
doPlot(NEFEnsemble, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
doPlot(NEFEnsemble) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
doPlot(SpikePattern) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
doPlot(Function, float, float, float, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
doPlot(float[], String) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
doPlot(float[], float[], String) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
doPlotMSE(NEFEnsemble, DecodedOrigin, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.impl.DefaultPlotter
doSample() - Static method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GaussianPDF
This method is publically exposed because normal deviates are often needed, and static access allows the compiler to inline the call, which brings a small performance advantage.
DU - Class in ctu.nengoros.tools.utils
Just simple debug utils
DU() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.DU
dumpToScript() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
dumpToScript(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
DYNAMIC_ORIGIN_NAME - Static variable in interface ca.nengo.model.muscle.MuscleSpindle
Default name for the dynamic origin
DYNAMIC_SPINDLE_ORIGIN - Static variable in interface ca.nengo.model.muscle.SkeletalMuscle
DynamicalSystem - Interface in ca.nengo.dynamics
A state-space model of a continuous-time dynamical system.
DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
A SpikeGenerator for which spiking dynamics are expressed in terms of a DynamicalSystem.
DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator(DynamicalSystem, Integrator, int, float, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator(DynamicalSystem, Integrator, int, float, float, float[], float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
Creates a SpikeGenerator that supports CONSTANT_RATE mode.
DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
Uses default parameters to allow later configuration.
DYNAMICS - Static variable in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
Default name for dynamics?
dynamics - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.impl.BasicEncoder


enableBias(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.ProjectionImpl
enableBias(boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Projection
Encoder - Interface in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders
Each Encoder is allowed to register one or more own Nengo Terminations.
end() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
endRun() - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
Ensemble - Interface in ca.nengo.model
A group of Nodes with largely overlapping inputs and outputs.
ENSEMBLE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class ca.nengo.io.FileManager
Extension for serialized NEF networks
EnsembleImpl - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
Default implementation of Ensemble.
EnsembleImpl(String, Node[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleImpl
EnsembleImpl(String, NodeFactory, int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleImpl
EnsembleOrigin - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
An Origin that is composed of the Origins of multiple Nodes.
EnsembleOrigin(Node, String, Origin[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleOrigin
EnsembleTermination - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
A Termination that is composed of Terminations onto multiple Nodes.
EnsembleTermination(Node, String, Termination[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleTermination
EnumHandler - Class in ca.nengo.config.handlers
ConfigurationHandler for SimulationMode values.
EnumHandler() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.handlers.EnumHandler
Defaults to type Enum with null default value.
EnumHandler(Class<?>, Enum<?>) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.handlers.EnumHandler
Environment - Class in ca.nengo.util
Provides information about the context in which the code is running.
Environment() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.Environment
err(String, String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
err(String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
EulerIntegrator - Class in ca.nengo.dynamics.impl
Euler's method of numerical integration: x(t+h) ~ x(t) + h*x'(t) TODO: test TODO: should there be some means for aborting early (aside from exceptions, e.g.
EulerIntegrator(float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.EulerIntegrator
EulerIntegrator() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.EulerIntegrator
Uses default step size of .0001
EXCITATION_TERMINATION - Static variable in interface ca.nengo.model.muscle.SkeletalMuscle
ExpandableNode - Interface in ca.nengo.model
A Node to which Terminations can be added after construction, in a standard manner.
ExpandableSpikingNeuron - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
A SpikingNeuron with an ExpandableSynapticIntegrator.
ExpandableSpikingNeuron(SynapticIntegrator, SpikeGenerator, float, float, String) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ExpandableSpikingNeuron
Note: current = scale * (weighted sum of inputs at each termination) * (radial input) + bias.
ExpandableSynapticIntegrator - Interface in ca.nengo.model.neuron
A SynapticIntegrator to which Terminations can be added after construction, in a standard way.
ExponentialPDF - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A one-dimensional exponential probability density function.
ExponentialPDF(float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.ExponentialPDF
export(TimeSeries, File) - Method in class ca.nengo.io.DelimitedFileExporter
Exports a TimeSeries with times in the first column and data from each dimension in subsequent columns.
export(TimeSeries, File, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.io.DelimitedFileExporter
Exports a TimeSeries as a matrix with times in the first column and data from each dimension in subsequent rows.
export(SpikePattern, File) - Method in class ca.nengo.io.DelimitedFileExporter
Exports a SpikePattern as a matrix with spikes times of each neuron in a different row.
export(float[][], File) - Method in class ca.nengo.io.DelimitedFileExporter
Exports a matrix with rows and columns delimited as specified in the constructor.
exposeAxons() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
Exposes the AXON terminations of each ensemble in the network.
exposeOrigin(Origin, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
exposeOrigin(Origin, String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
Declares the given Origin as available for connection outside the Network via getOrigins().
exposeState(Probeable, String, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
exposeState(Probeable, String, String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
Declares the given Probeable state as being available for Probing from outside this Network.
exposeTermination(Termination, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
exposeTermination(Termination, String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
Declares the given Termination as available for connection from outside the Network via getTerminations().
ExpressModel - Interface in ca.nengo.model.nef
A computationally efficient model of the difference between a NEFEnsemble's DecodedOrigin output in DIRECT mode and DEFAULT mode (at the level of state variables).
ExternalNodeContainer - Interface in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory
This is container for all nodes that can be ran externally and need to be handled by namespaceSupervisor and NodeFactory.
extractDimension(TimeSeries, int) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.DataUtils
extractTime(TimeSeries, float, float) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.DataUtils


f(float, float[]) - Method in interface ca.nengo.dynamics.DynamicalSystem
The dynamic equation.
f(float, float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.AbstractDynamicalSystem
f(float, float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
f(float, float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.SimpleLTISystem
f(float, float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.HillMuscle.Dynamics
f(float, float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberSpikeGenerator.GruberDynamics
f(float, float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.HodgkinHuxleySpikeGenerator.HodgkinHuxleySystem
F2FPubSub - Class in ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.minmax
Get vector of 4 floats, select min and max and publish them.
F2FPubSub() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.minmax.F2FPubSub
F2IPubSub - Class in ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.minmax
Receive vector of 4 floats, get min and max value, convert to Integer and return these two.
F2IPubSub() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.minmax.F2IPubSub
fcn - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
FileManager - Class in ca.nengo.io
Handles saving and loading of Node TODO: a better job (this is a quick one) TODO: is there any metadata to store? TODO: test
FileManager() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.io.FileManager
filter(TimeSeries, float) - Static method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
filter(TimeSeries, float) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.DataUtils
findCoefficients(Function) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.CompositeApproximator
findCoefficients(Function) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GradientDescentApproximator
findCoefficients(Function) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndependentDimensionApproximator
findCoefficients(Function) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator
This implementation is adapted from Eliasmith & Anderson, 2003, appendix A.
findCoefficients(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator
Similar to findCoefficients(ca.nengo.math.Function), but finds coefficients for a target signal (over time) rather than a target function.
findCoefficients(Function) - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.LinearApproximator
Note: more information is needed than the arguments provide (for example the functions that are to be combined to estimate the target).
findCommon1DOrigins(Node[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
findIndexBelow(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.StatefulIndexFinder
findIndexBelow(float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.IndexFinder
findNamespace(String[], String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NameProvider
If nodes allow pushing them into own namespace, use this.
findOptimalNodeAssignments(Node[], Projection[], int) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
Used when there are multiple GPU's running a simulation.
findRoot(Function, float, float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.NewtonRootFinder
findRoot(Function, float, float, float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.RootFinder
finish() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.DFSIterator
finish() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.ScriptGenerator
finished() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThread
finishEditing() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.MatrixEditor
Stops current cell editing
fireOnNewMessage(Message) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.Backend
New message from ROS received.
fireOnNewMessage(Message) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.newMessageEvent.OnNewRosMessageSource
fireOnNewMessage(Message) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.newMessageEvent.OnNewRosMessageSourceInt
fireSimulatorEvent(SimulatorEvent) - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
fireStepListeners(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
fireStepListeners(float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
fireVisibleChangeEvent() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
Called by subclasses when properties have changed in such a way that the display of the ensemble may need updating.
fireVisibleChangeEvent() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
Called by subclasses when properties have changed in such a way that the display of the ensemble may need updating.
fit(float[], float[]) - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.CurveFitter
fit(float[], float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.LinearCurveFitter
Note that inputs x must be sorted from lowest to highest.
fit(float[], float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PolynomialCurveFitter
fitness - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.tools.io.AgentConfig
FixedSignalFunction - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A Function that produces a fixed sequence of outputs, independent of input.
FixedSignalFunction(float[][], int, int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.FixedSignalFunction
FixedSignalFunction(float[][], int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.FixedSignalFunction
FixedVectorGenerator - Class in ca.nengo.util.impl
Generates vectors from a given set.
FixedVectorGenerator(float[][]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.FixedVectorGenerator
fixMode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
Fix the simulation mode to the current mode.
fixMode(SimulationMode[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
Set the allowed simulation modes.
fixMode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
When this method is called, the mode of this node is fixed and cannot be changed by subsequent setMode(...) calls.
fixMode(SimulationMode[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
Set the allowed simulation modes.
float2bool(float) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.transformations.BooleanTransform
float2bool(float) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.transformations.impl.BooleanSimpleRounding
float2char(float[]) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.transformations.CharacterTransform
float2int(float[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.transformations.impl.IntegerSimpleRounding
float2int(float[]) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.transformations.IntegerTransform
FloatBackend - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl
This serves as a backend for direct communication with ROS nodes.
FloatBackend(String, String, int[], ConnectedNode, boolean) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.FloatBackend
FloatHandler - Class in ca.nengo.config.handlers
ConfigurationHandler for Float values.
FloatHandler() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.handlers.FloatHandler
ConfigurationHandler for Float values
FORCE - Static variable in interface ca.nengo.model.muscle.SkeletalMuscle
forName(String) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.ClassUtils
As Class.forName(String) but arrays and primitives are also handled.
FourierFunction - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A Function that is composed of a finite number of sinusoids.
FourierFunction(float[], float[], float[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.FourierFunction
Creates a 1-dimensional function composed of explicitly defined sinusoids.
FourierFunction(float[][], float[], float[][]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.FourierFunction
Creates an n-dimensional function composed of explicitly defined sinusoids.
FourierFunction(float, float, float, long, int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.FourierFunction
Creates a 1-dimensional band-limited noise function with specified parameters.
FourierFunction(float, float, float, long) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.FourierFunction
Creates a 1-dimensional band-limited pink noise function with specified parameters.
fromString(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.ConfigurationHandler
fromString(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.BaseHandler
fromString(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.EnumHandler
fromString(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.MatrixHandler
fromString(String, char, String) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.MatrixHandler
fromString(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.UnitsHandler
fromString(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.VectorHandler
fromString(Class<?>, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.MainHandler
fromString(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.MainHandler
Function - Interface in ca.nengo.math
A mathematical function from an n-D space to a 1-D space.
FunctionBasis - Interface in ca.nengo.math
A list of orthogonal functions.
FunctionBasisImpl - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
Default implementation of FunctionBasis.
FunctionBasisImpl(Function[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.FunctionBasisImpl
FunctionInput - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
A class to compute functions analytically and provide that input to other Nodes in a network.
FunctionInput(String, Function[], Units) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
FunctionInterpreter - Interface in ca.nengo.math
The interface Function Interpreters must implement.


g(float, float[]) - Method in interface ca.nengo.dynamics.DynamicalSystem
The output equation.
g(float, float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.AbstractDynamicalSystem
g(float, float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
g(float, float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.SimpleLTISystem
g(float, float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.HillMuscle.Dynamics
g(float, float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberSpikeGenerator.GruberDynamics
g(float, float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.HodgkinHuxleySpikeGenerator.HodgkinHuxleySystem
Gate<T> - Class in ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util
Abstract logical gate.
Gate() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.Gate
GaussianPDF - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
Univariate Gaussian probability density function.
GaussianPDF(float, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.GaussianPDF
GaussianPDF(float, float, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.GaussianPDF
Constructs a scaled Gaussian with the given peak value.
GaussianPDF() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.GaussianPDF
Instantiates with default mean=0 and variance=1
gedNumOfDimensions() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.Backend
The data from ROS message are concatenated into one vector of float values.
gedNumOfDimensions() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.BooleanBackend
gedNumOfDimensions() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.FloatBackend
gedNumOfDimensions() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.IntBackend
gedNumOfDimensions() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.ColorBackend
gedNumOfDimensions() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.PoseBackend
gedNumOfDimensions() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.TwistBackend
gedNumOfDimensions() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.VelocityBackend
gen - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.tools.io.AgentConfig
generate(Node, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.io.FileManager
generateName() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
This method generates unique name for my Termination based on the name of MultiTermination.
generateWeights(float) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
genome - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.tools.io.AgentConfig
genomeToString() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.io.AgentConfig
genVectors(int, int) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndependentDimensionApproximator.EncoderFactory
genVectors(int, int) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndependentDimensionApproximator.EvalPointFactory
genVectors(int, int) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.FixedVectorGenerator
genVectors(int, int) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.RandomHypersphereVG
genVectors(int, int) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.Rectifier
genVectors(int, int) - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.VectorGenerator
The vector distribution is decided by implementing classes.
getA(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
getA() - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
getA(float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.dynamics.LinearSystem
getA() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
getA() - Method in enum ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator.Preset
getAdaptedRate(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator
getAmplitude() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SineFunction
getAmplitudes() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FourierFunction
getApproximator(float[][], float[][]) - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.ApproximatorFactory
getApproximator(float[][], float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GradientDescentApproximator.Factory
getApproximator(float[][], float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndependentDimensionApproximator.Factory
getApproximator(float[][], float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator.Factory
getApproximator(float[][][], float[][][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator.Factory
Similar to getApproximator(float[][], float[][]) but uses evaluation signals and outputs computed over time.
getApproximatorFactory() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
getApproximatorFactory() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleFactoryImpl
getApproximatorFactory() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsembleFactory
getArgDocs(Method, int) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.JavaSourceParser
getArgDocs(Constructor<?>, int) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.JavaSourceParser
getArgNames(Method) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.JavaSourceParser
getArgNames(Constructor<?>) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.JavaSourceParser
getAxisClusterFactor() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.RandomHypersphereVG
getB(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
getB() - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
getB(float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.dynamics.LinearSystem
getB() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
getB() - Method in enum ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator.Preset
getBalanceFactor() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.MultiLevelKLNetworkPartitioner
getBarChart(float[], String) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.impl.DefaultPlotter
getBaseOrigin() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.OriginWrapper
Unwraps Origin until it finds one that isn't wrapped
getBaseTermination() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.TerminationWrapper
Unwraps terminations until it finds one that isn't wrapped
getBaseTerminationName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.BiasTermination
getBasisDimension() - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.FunctionBasis
getBasisDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FunctionBasisImpl
getBias() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.LinearFunction
getBias() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
getBiasEncoders() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.BiasTermination
getC(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
getC() - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
getC(float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.dynamics.LinearSystem
getC() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
getC() - Method in enum ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator.Preset
getCellRenderer() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ConfigUtil.ConfigurationPane
getChild(Object, int) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel
getChildCount(Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel
getChildren() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleImpl
getChildren() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
getChildren() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getChildren() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
getChildren() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
getChildren() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
getChildren() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
getChildren() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Node
getChildren() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
getClosestMode(SimulationMode, SimulationMode[]) - Static method in enum ca.nengo.model.SimulationMode
A convenience method for finding the closest supported mode to a requested mode.
getCode() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.AbstractFunction
getCoefficients() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FunctionBasisImpl
getCoefficients() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.Polynomial
getCollectSpikesRatio() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
getColumnCount() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.MatrixEditor
getComponents() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FourierFunction
getConfigurable() - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.Configuration
getConfigurable() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ConfigurationImpl
getConfiguration() - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.Configurable
getConfiguration(Object) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.ConfigUtil
getConfiguration() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.AbstractProperty
getConfiguration() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel.Value
getConfiguration() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.NewConfigurableDialog.ConstructionProperties
getConfiguration() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FunctionBasisImpl
getConfiguration() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.InterpolatedFunction
getConfiguration() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PiecewiseConstantFunction
getConfiguration() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicOrigin
getConfiguration() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.HillMuscle.Dynamics
getConfiguration() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
getConfiguration() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeries1DImpl
getConfiguration() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode.impl.JNodeContainer
getConfiguration() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode.JavaNodeContainer
Configuration which launches the node (name, namespace..)
getConfiguration() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.ModContainer
getConfiguration() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.ModemContainer
getConfiguration() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
getConnectedNode() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.DefaultModem
This could pass null pointer, so methods that are using this have to check it.
getConnectedNode() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.ModContainer
getConnectedNode() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.Modem
Get factory for subscribers and publishers
getConnectedNode() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.ModemContainer
The most important method is getConnectedNode(), which provides factory for ROS publishers/subscribers, this factory is used by coders/decoders to create own origins/ terminations.
getConstantOutput(int, float[][], String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
getConstantOutputs(float[][], String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
getConstantRateModeSupported() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
getControlPanel() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.MatrixEditor
getCostFunction(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator.Factory
Note: override to use non-uniform error weighting.
getCurrentRange() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
getCurrentUnits() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LinearSynapticIntegrator
getCutoff() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FourierFunction
getD(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
getD() - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
getD(float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.dynamics.LinearSystem
getD() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
getD() - Method in enum ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator.Preset
getData() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.ProbeImpl
getData() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.Probe
getDatabase() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleFactoryImpl
getDecodedOrigins() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
Used to get decoded origins to give to GPU.
getDecodedTerminations() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
Used to get decoded terminations to give to GPU.
getDecoders() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl.ArrayOrigin
getDecoders() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
getDecodingApproximator(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
getDefaultDocumentation(Method[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.AbstractProperty
getDefaultNodeName() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.DefaultModem
getDefaultNodeName() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.ROSNode
getDefaultNodeName() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.params.ParamHandler
getDefaultNodeName() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl.DefaultTimeMaster
Default name of the ROS node
getDefaultNodeName() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl.DefaultTimeSlave
getDefaultNodeName() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl.IgnoreTime
getDefaultNodeName() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.OR
getDefaultNodeName() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.minmax.F2FPubSub
getDefaultNodeName() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.minmax.F2IPubSub
getDefaultNodeName() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.pubsub.DemoPublisher
Default name of the ROS node
getDefaultNodeName() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.pubsub.DemoSubscriber
Default name of the ROS node
getDefaultNodeName() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodeTesters.PublisherTestNode
getDefaultNodeName() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodeTesters.SubscriberTestNode
getDefaultValue(Class<?>) - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.ConfigurationHandler
getDefaultValue(Class<?>) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.ConfigUtil
getDefaultValue(Class<?>) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.BooleanHandler
getDefaultValue(Class<?>) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.EnumHandler
getDefaultValue(Class<?>) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.FloatHandler
getDefaultValue(Class<?>) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.IntegerHandler
getDefaultValue(Class<?>) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.LongHandler
getDefaultValue(Class<?>) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.MatrixHandler
getDefaultValue(Class<?>) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.StringHandler
getDefaultValue(Class<?>) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.UnitsHandler
getDefaultValue(Class<?>) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.VectorHandler
getDefaultValue() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ListPropertyImpl
getDefaultValue() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.TemplateArrayProperty
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.ListProperty
getDefaultValue(Class<?>) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.MainHandler
getDelta() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.NumericallyDifferentiableFunction
getDelta() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.NumericallyDifferentiableFunction.NumericalDerivative
getDendrites(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork
Mainly used for testing purposes when trying to find proper scale values
getDensity() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndicatorPDF
getDerivative() - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.DifferentiableFunction
getDerivative() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.NumericallyDifferentiableFunction
getDerivative() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SigmoidFunction
getDerivativeDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.NumericallyDifferentiableFunction
getDerivativeDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.NumericallyDifferentiableFunction.NumericalDerivative
getDimension() - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.Function
getDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.AbstractFunction
getDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.ConstantFunction
getDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FourierFunction
getDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GaussianPDF
getDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IdentityFunction
getDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndicatorPDF
getDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.NumericallyDifferentiableFunction
Passed through to underlying Function.
getDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.NumericallyDifferentiableFunction.NumericalDerivative
getDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PostfixFunction
getDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SineFunction
getDimension() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.ExpandableNode
getDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleImpl
getDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
getDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PreciseSpikeOutputImpl
getDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.RealOutputImpl
getDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.SpikeOutputImpl
getDimension() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.InstantaneousOutput
getDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
getDimension() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsemble
getDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ExpandableSpikingNeuron
getDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeries1DImpl
getDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeriesImpl
getDimension() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.TimeSeries
getDimension() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
getDimension() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.MultiTermination
NUmber of values passed through multiTerminations, the same as dimensions of all child Terminations.
getDimensions() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicOrigin
getDimensions() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicTermination
getDimensions() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleOrigin
getDimensions() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleTermination
getDimensions() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
getDimensions() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl.ArrayOrigin
getDimensions() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.OriginWrapper
getDimensions() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.TerminationWrapper
getDimensions() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode.PassthroughTermination
getDimensions() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.ProbeableOrigin
getDimensions() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
getDimensions() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
getDimensions() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikeGeneratorOrigin
getDimensions() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Origin
getDimensions() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Termination
getDimensions() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
getDimensions() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.Encoder
Get dimensions of this encoder.
getDimensions() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.impl.BasicEncoder
getDirectModeDynamics() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
getDirectModeIntegrator() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
getDiscontinuities() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PiecewiseConstantFunction
getDistortion(float[], float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.AdditiveGaussianExpressModel
getDistortion(float[], float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DefaultExpressModel
getDocs(Class<?>) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.JavaSourceParser
getDocs(Method) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.JavaSourceParser
getDocs(Constructor<?>) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.JavaSourceParser
getDocumentation() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.AbstractProperty
getDocumentation() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ListPropertyImpl
getDocumentation() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.NamedValuePropertyImpl
getDocumentation() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.SingleValuedPropertyImpl
getDocumentation() - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.Property
getDocumentation() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
getDocumentation() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractNode
getDocumentation() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
getDocumentation() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getDocumentation() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
getDocumentation() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
getDocumentation() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
getDocumentation() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
getDocumentation() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Node
getDocumentation() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
getDominantTimeConstant(LTISystem) - Static method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.CanonicalModel
getDynamics() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory.NoiseImplPDF
getDynamics() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
getDynamics() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
getEditor(Object, ConfigurationChangeListener, JComponent) - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.ConfigurationHandler
getEditor(Object, ConfigurationChangeListener, JComponent) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.BaseHandler
Returns a JTextField.
getEditor(Object, ConfigurationChangeListener, JComponent) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.BooleanHandler
getEditor(Object, ConfigurationChangeListener, JComponent) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.EnumHandler
getEditor(Object, ConfigurationChangeListener, JComponent) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.MatrixHandlerBase
getEditor(Object, ConfigurationChangeListener, JComponent) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.UnitsHandler
getEditor(Object, ConfigurationChangeListener, JComponent) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.MainHandler
getEncoderFactory() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleFactoryImpl
getEncoderFactory() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsembleFactory
getEncoders() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
Returns the encoders for the whole network array (the encoders of each population within the array concatenated together).
getEncoders() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
getEncoders() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsemble
getEndTime() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
getEndTime() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.Decoder
getEndTime() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
getEnsembleFactory() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
getEnsembleFactory() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsemble
getEnsembleName() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.ProbeImpl
getEnsembleName() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.Probe
getError() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
getError(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
getErrorMessage() - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
getEvalPointFactory() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleFactoryImpl
getEvalPointFactory() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsembleFactory
getEvalPoints() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.CompositeApproximator
getEvalPoints() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GradientDescentApproximator
getEvalPoints() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndependentDimensionApproximator
getEvalPoints() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator
getEvalPoints() - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.LinearApproximator
getEvalPoints() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
getExposedOriginName(Origin) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getExposedOriginName(Origin) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
getExposedTerminationName(Termination) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getExposedTerminationName(Termination) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
getExpression() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PostfixFunction
getExpressionList() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PostfixFunction
getExpressModel() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
getFallbackMode() - Method in enum ca.nengo.model.SimulationMode
getFilteredOutput() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
getFinder(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.LinearInterpolatorND
Uses a StatefulIndexFinder by default.
getForce() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
getForce() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.muscle.SkeletalMuscle
getFrequencies() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FourierFunction
getFrequency() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory.NoiseImplPDF
getFunction(int) - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.FunctionBasis
getFunction(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FunctionBasisImpl
getFunction() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.NumericallyDifferentiableFunction
getFunction() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.NumericallyDifferentiableFunction.NumericalDerivative
getFunction() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory.NoiseImplFunction
getFunctionOne() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.Convolution
getFunctions() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
getFunctions() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
getFunctionTwo() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.Convolution
getFundamental() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FourierFunction
getGenerator() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikeGeneratorOrigin
getGenerator() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
getGeneratorFactory() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuronFactory
getGPUErrorMessage() - Static method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator
getHigh() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndicatorPDF
getHigh() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SigmoidFunction
getHistory(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
getHistory(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
getHistory(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
getHistory(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getHistory(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
getHistory(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
getHistory(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
getHistory(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
getHistory(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator
getHistory(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
getHistory(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberSpikeGenerator
getHistory(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
getHistory(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator
getHistory(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
Available states include "I" (net current into SpikeGenerator) and the states of the SpikeGenerator.
getHistory(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Probeable
Note that the units of TimeSeries' for a given state do not change over time (ie at different time steps).
getHistory(String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
this is made for Probeable and enables GUI to add a probe (and collect data) I made every (RealValued) Termination and Origin probeable
getIcon(Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.IconRegistry
getIcon(Class<?>) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.IconRegistry
getIdentityDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IdentityFunction
getImplementations(Class<?>) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ClassRegistry
getIncN() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFNeuronFactory
getIncN() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator.Factory
getIncN() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator
getIndex() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel.Value
getIndexOfChild(Object, Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel
getInflection() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SigmoidFunction
getInflection() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.SigmoidFactory
getInitialState() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
getInput() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicTermination
getInput() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleTermination
getInput() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
getInput() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.TerminationWrapper
getInput() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode.PassthroughTermination
getInput() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
getInput() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
getInput() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.PlasticNodeTermination
getInput() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Termination
getInputDimension() - Method in interface ca.nengo.dynamics.DynamicalSystem
getInputDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.AbstractDynamicalSystem
getInputDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
getInputDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.HillMuscle.Dynamics
getInputDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberSpikeGenerator.GruberDynamics
getInputDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.HodgkinHuxleySpikeGenerator.HodgkinHuxleySystem
getInstance() - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.ClassRegistry
getInstance() - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.IconRegistry
getInstance() - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.MainHandler
getIntegrator() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory.NoiseImplPDF
getIntegrator() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
getIntegrator() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
getIntegratorFactory() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuronFactory
getIntercept() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFNeuronFactory
getIntercept() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFNeuronFactory
getIntercept() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.LinearFactory
getInterneurons() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.BiasOrigin
getInterrupt() - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.SimulatorEvent
getJointNames() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
getJointNames() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.muscle.LinkSegmentModel
getLabel() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.MAD
getLabels() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeries1DImpl
getLabels() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeriesImpl
getLabels() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.TimeSeries
getLauchCommand() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.RunnableNode
getLauchCommand() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.NativeNodeContainer
getLearning() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleImpl
getLearning() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
getLearningRate() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
getLevel() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
getListProperty(Configuration, String, Class<?>) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ListPropertyImpl
getLow() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndicatorPDF
getLow() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SigmoidFunction
getMap() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.LinearFunction
getMatrix() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.MatrixEditor
getMaxIterations() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GradientDescentApproximator
getMaxNumJavaThreads() - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
getMaxRate() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFNeuronFactory
getMaxRate() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFNeuronFactory
getMaxRate() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.LinearFactory
getMaxRate() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.SigmoidFactory
getMaxTimeStep() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator
getMaxTimeStep() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LinearSynapticIntegrator.Factory
getMaxTimeStep() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LinearSynapticIntegrator
getMean() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GaussianPDF
getMessage() - Method in exception ca.nengo.model.SimulationException
Adds ensemble name to message.
getMetadata(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
getMetaData(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getMetadata(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getMetaData(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
Metadata is non-critical information about the Network (eg UI layout) that the user doesn't access directly.
getMethod(Class<?>, String[], Class<?>[], Class<?>) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ListPropertyImpl
Looks for defined method
getMethod(String, String) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.JavaSourceParser
getMinIntraSpikeTime() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
getMode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
Note that this reflects the latest mode requested of the Ensemble, and that individual Neurons may run in different modes (see setMode).
getMode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractNode
getMode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
getMode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getMode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
getMode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
getMode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
getMode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
getMode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator
getMode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
getMode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberSpikeGenerator
getMode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
getMode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator
getMode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator
getMode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.RateFunctionSpikeGenerator
getMode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
getMode() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.SimulationMode.ModeConfigurable
getMode() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
getModem() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.ModContainer
getModem() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.ModemContainer
Modem is interface for a ROS/Nengo modem
getModem() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
getModemConfig() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
getModTermName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.ModulatedPlasticEnsembleTermination
getModulatory() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicTermination
getModulatory() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleTermination
Returns true if more than half of node terminations are modulatory.
getModulatory() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
getModulatory() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.TerminationWrapper
getModulatory() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode.PassthroughTermination
getModulatory() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
getModulatory() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Termination
getMultiTermination() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.Encoder
Return own MultiTermination, this allows user to add new Terminations to it.
getMultiTermination() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.impl.BasicEncoder
getMultiTermination(String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
getMultiTermination(String) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.modules.NeuralModule
This NeuralModule supports connecting multiple "inputs" to one Encoder.
getMuscle() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.muscle.GolgiTendonOrgan
getMuscle() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.muscle.MuscleSpindle
getMuscles() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
getMuscles() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.muscle.LinkSegmentModel
getMyAverageTimeOnNodesPerStep() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThread
getMyAverageTimeOnProjectionsPerStep() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThread
getMyAverageTimeOnTasksPerStep() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThread
getMyGroup() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.ModContainer
getMyGroup() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.ModemContainer
In case that someone would like to access to group data (e.g.
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.AbstractProperty
getName() - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.Property
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel.Value
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.AbstractFunction
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractNode
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicOrigin
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicTermination
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleOrigin
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleTermination
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl.ArrayOrigin
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.OriginWrapper
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.TerminationWrapper
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode.PassthroughTermination
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.ProbeableOrigin
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikeGeneratorOrigin
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
getName() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Node
getName() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Origin
getName() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Termination
getName(Class<?>) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.ClassUtils
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeries1DImpl
getName() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeriesImpl
getName() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.TimeSeries
getName() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.ExternalNodeContainer
Get name which somehow identifies this node.
getName() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode.impl.JNodeContainer
getName() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.ModContainer
getName() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.RunnableNode
getName() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.Decoder
get name of the termination this name corresponds to a ROS topic subscribed
getName() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
getName() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.Encoder
Return the name of Encoder, this name corresponds to ROS Topic on which the messages are published and is used to generate names for own Terminations.
getName() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.impl.BasicEncoder
getName() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
getName() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.MultiTermination
getName() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
getName() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.util.sync.impl.SyncedUnit
getName() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.util.sync.SyncedUnitInterface
getNamedValueProperty(Configuration, String, Class<?>) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.NamedValuePropertyImpl
getNames() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
getNEFGPUInterface() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.GPUThread
getNetwork() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.ProjectionImpl
getNetwork() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Projection
getNeuronCount() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getNeuronCount() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
getNeurons() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
getNeurons() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
getNewName() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.VisiblyMutable.NameChangeEvent
getNode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicOrigin
getNode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicTermination
getNode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleOrigin
getNode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleTermination
getNode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
getNode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl.ArrayOrigin
getNode(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getNode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.OriginWrapper
getNode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.TerminationWrapper
getNode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode.PassthroughTermination
getNode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.ProbeableOrigin
getNode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
getNode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
getNode(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
getNode() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikeGeneratorOrigin
getNode() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Origin
getNode() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Termination
getNode() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.VisiblyMutable.NodeRemovedEvent
getNode() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode.impl.JNodeContainer
getNode() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode.JavaNodeContainer
NodeMain is interface for a ROS communication-enabled class
getNode() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
getNode() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
getNode() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.MultiTermination
Get parent Node of my all Terminations.
getNodeCount() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getNodeCount() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
getNodeCount() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsemble
getNodeDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
getNodeFactory() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleFactoryImpl
getNodeFactory() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsembleFactory
getNodeOrigin() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
getNodeOrigins() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleOrigin
getNodeOrigins() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl.ArrayOrigin
getNodeOrigins() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
Gathers all the origins of nodes contained in this network.
getNodes() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Ensemble
getNodes() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
getNodes() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
Gets the nodes in the proper order from the network array.
getNodes() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getNodes() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
getNodeTerminations() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleTermination
getNodeTerminations() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
Gathers all the terminations of nodes contained in this network.
getNodeThreadPool() - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
getNoise() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator.Factory
getNoise() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicOrigin
getNoise(float[], float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.AdditiveGaussianExpressModel
Note: Override this for alternative additive noise, e.g.
getNoise() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
getNoise() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
getNoise() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Noise.Noisy
getNoise() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
getNoiseSD(float[], float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.AdditiveGaussianExpressModel
getNoiseSD(float[], float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DefaultExpressModel
getNSV() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator.Factory
getNumDetectedDevices() - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
getNumDevices() - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
getNumDiscontinuities() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PiecewiseConstantFunction
getNumEvalPoints(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleFactoryImpl
This method is exposed so that it can be over-ridden to change behaviour.
getNumJavaThreads() - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
getNumNeurons() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.SpikePatternImpl
getNumNeurons() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.SpikePattern
getNumOfGroups() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.RosUtils
getNumPoints() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.InterpolatedFunction
getNumValues() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ListPropertyImpl
getNumValues() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.TemplateArrayProperty
getNumValues() - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.ListProperty
getObject() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel.Value
getObject() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.VisiblyMutable.Event
getOja() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PESTermination
getOldName() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.VisiblyMutable.NameChangeEvent
getOmega() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SineFunction
getOnsetRate(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator
getOnSurface() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.RandomHypersphereVG
getOrder() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.Polynomial
getOrder() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PolynomialCurveFitter
getOrigin(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
getOrigin(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractNode
getOrigin(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
getOrigin(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getOrigin(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
getOrigin() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.ProjectionImpl
getOrigin(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
getOrigin(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
getOrigin(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
getOrigin() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork
getOrigin(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
getOrigin(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Node
getOrigin() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Projection
getOrigin(String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
getOriginName() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
getOrigins() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
getOrigins() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractNode
getOrigins() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
getOrigins() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getOrigins() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
getOrigins() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
getOrigins() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
getOrigins() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
getOrigins() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
getOrigins() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Node
getOrigins() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
getOutput() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicTermination
Note: typically called by the Node to which the Termination belongs.
getOutput() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
getOutput(float, float[], float[]) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.ExpressModel
getOutput(float, float[], float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.AdditiveGaussianExpressModel
getOutput() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.BiasTermination
getOutput() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
This method should be called after run(...).
getOutput(DecodedOrigin, float[][], SimulationMode) - Static method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFUtil
Calculates an input-output mapping for an ensemble.
getOutput() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.PlasticNodeTermination
getOutput() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
getOutput() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.MultiTermination
Get output of this MultiTermination
getOutputDimension() - Method in interface ca.nengo.dynamics.DynamicalSystem
getOutputDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.AbstractDynamicalSystem
getOutputDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
getOutputDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.HillMuscle.Dynamics
getOutputDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberSpikeGenerator.GruberDynamics
getOutputDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.HodgkinHuxleySpikeGenerator.HodgkinHuxleySystem
getOutputs() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
getOutputUnits(int) - Method in interface ca.nengo.dynamics.DynamicalSystem
getOutputUnits(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.AbstractDynamicalSystem
Returns Units.UNK by default.
getOutputUnits(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
getOutputUnits(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.HillMuscle.Dynamics
getOutputUnits(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberSpikeGenerator.GruberDynamics
getParent() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.LearningTask
getParent() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.ProbeTask
getParent() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.Encoder
Get the parent of Encoder
getParent() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.impl.BasicEncoder
getPartitions() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.MultiLevelKLNetworkPartitioner
getPartitions() - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.NetworkPartitioner
getPartitionsAsIntArray() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.MultiLevelKLNetworkPartitioner
getPartitionsAsIntArray() - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.NetworkPartitioner
getPDF() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PDFFunction
getPDF() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory.NoiseImplPDF
getPeak() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GaussianPDF
getPhases() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FourierFunction
getPlasticityInterval() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleImpl
getPlasticityInterval() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.plasticity.PlasticEnsemble
getPoints() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndependentDimensionApproximator.EvalPointFactory
getPositive() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.Rectifier
getPostfixList(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.DefaultFunctionInterpreter
getPreset() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
getPrimitiveWrapperClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.ConfigUtil
getProbes() - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
getProbes() - Method in interface ca.nengo.sim.Simulator
getProbeTask() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.ProbeImpl
getProbeTask() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.Probe
getProgress() - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.SimulatorEvent
getProjectionMap() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getProjections() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getProjections() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
getProperty(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.Configuration
getProperty(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ConfigurationImpl
getPropertyNames() - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.Configuration
getPropertyNames() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ConfigurationImpl
getQuiet() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator.Factory
getR() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.AdditiveGaussianExpressModel
getRadialInput(float[], int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
getRadii() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
getRadii() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsemble
getRadius() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndependentDimensionApproximator.EncoderFactory
getRadius() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndependentDimensionApproximator.EvalPointFactory
getRadius() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.RandomHypersphereVG
getRange() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.BiasOrigin
getRange(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork
For testing
getRange(int, int) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.io.AgentConfig
getRateFunction() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator
getRateFunction() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.RateFunctionSpikeGenerator
getRealization(float[], float[], float) - Static method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.CanonicalModel
Realizes a transfer function in the form:
getRectified() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.LinearFunction
getRectified() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.LinearFactory
getRectified() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.Rectifier
getRegisteredFunctions() - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.FunctionInterpreter
Returns a map of registered functions.
getRegisteredFunctions() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.DefaultFunctionInterpreter
getRenderer(Object) - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.ConfigurationHandler
getRenderer(Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.BaseHandler
getRenderer(Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.MatrixHandler
getRenderer(Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.VectorHandler
getRenderer(Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.MainHandler
getRequiredOnCPU() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicOrigin
getRequiredOnCPU() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleOrigin
getRequiredOnCPU() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl.ArrayOrigin
getRequiredOnCPU() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.OriginWrapper
getRequiredOnCPU() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.ProbeableOrigin
getRequiredOnCPU() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
getRequiredOnCPU() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikeGeneratorOrigin
getRequiredOnCPU() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Origin
getRequiredOnCPU() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
getResult() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.NewConfigurableDialog
getReuseApproximators() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
getRms() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FourierFunction
getRoot() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel
getRowCount() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.MatrixEditor
getRowHeight() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.AquaTreeUI
getRunFinished() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
getScale() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
getScalePeakWithVariance() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GaussianPDF
getScales(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork
Gets the scale values for a particular dendritic ensemble
getScaling() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
getSeed() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FourierFunction
getSeriesDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FixedSignalFunction
getSeriesDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.TimeSeriesFunction
getSignal() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FixedSignalFunction
getSignalOutput(int, TimeSeries[], String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
Similar to getConstantOutput, but uses a time series as input to each neuron rather than a single point.
getSignalOutputs(TimeSeries[], String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
Similar to getConstantOutputs, but uses a time series as input to each neuron rather than a single point.
getSignature(Method) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.JavaSourceParser
getSimulator() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getSimulator() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
getSingleValuedProperty(Configuration, String, Class<?>) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.SingleValuedPropertyImpl
getSize() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.MAD
getSleepTime() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoGate
getSlope() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SigmoidFunction
getSlope() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.SigmoidFactory
getSoma() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork
getSpikePattern() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Ensemble
This method provides a means of efficiently storing the output of an Ensemble if the component Nodes have Origins that produce SpikeOutput.
getSpikePattern() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
getSpikeThreshold() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
getSpikeTimes() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PreciseSpikeOutputImpl
getSpikeTimes() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.PreciseSpikeOutput
getSpikeTimes(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.SpikePatternImpl
getSpikeTimes(int) - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.SpikePattern
getStartTime() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
getStartTime() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.Decoder
TODO: problem how to sync Nengo and ROS time references
getStartTime() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
getState() - Method in interface ca.nengo.dynamics.DynamicalSystem
getState() - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.AbstractDynamicalSystem
getState() - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
getState() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.HillMuscle.Dynamics
getStateDimension() - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
getStateName() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.ProbeImpl
getStateName() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.Probe
getStaticBias() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
getStaticNeuronData() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
Used to get static neuron data (data that doesn't change each step) and give it to the GPU.
getStepSize() - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.EulerIntegrator
getStepSize() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.Convolution
getStepSize() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getSTPDynamics() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
getSTPDynamics(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
Provides access to copy of dynamics for an individual node, to allow node-by-node parameterization.
getSTPDynamics() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.plasticity.ShortTermPlastic
getSTPHistory() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
getStride() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.MAD
getSupervisionRatio() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.hPESTermination
getSynapticIntegrator() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ExpandableSpikingNeuron
getTarget() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.ProbeImpl
getTarget() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.Probe
getTasks() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getTasks() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleImpl
getTasks() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.TaskSpawner
getTau() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.ExponentialPDF
getTau() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicTermination
getTau() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleTermination
Returns the average.
getTau() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
getTau() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.TerminationWrapper
getTau() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode.PassthroughTermination
getTau() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
getTau() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Termination
getTauN() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFNeuronFactory
getTauN() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator.Factory
getTauN() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator
getTauRC() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFNeuronFactory
getTauRC() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator.Factory
getTauRC() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator
getTauRC() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFNeuronFactory
getTauRC() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator.Factory
getTauRC() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator
getTauRef() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFNeuronFactory
getTauRef() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator.Factory
getTauRef() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator
getTauRef() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFNeuronFactory
getTauRef() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator.Factory
getTauRef() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator
getTermination(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
getTermination(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractNode
getTermination(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleImpl
getTermination(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
getTermination(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getTermination(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
getTermination() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.ProjectionImpl
getTermination(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
getTermination(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
getTermination(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
getTermination(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LinearSynapticIntegrator
getTermination(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
getTermination(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.neuron.SynapticIntegrator
getTermination(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Node
getTermination(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleImpl
getTermination() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Projection
getTermination(String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
getTerminations() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
getTerminations() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractNode
getTerminations() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleImpl
getTerminations() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
getTerminations() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
getTerminations() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getTerminations() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
getTerminations() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
getTerminations() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
getTerminations() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
getTerminations() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LinearSynapticIntegrator
getTerminations() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
getTerminations() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.neuron.SynapticIntegrator
getTerminations() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Node
getTerminations() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleImpl
getTerminations() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
getTerminations() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.MultiTermination
getTerminations() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
getTheta() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.BCMTermination
getTime() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PreciseSpikeOutputImpl
getTime() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.RealOutputImpl
getTime() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.SpikeOutputImpl
getTime() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.InstantaneousOutput
getTimeIgnoringUtil() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.RosTimeUtilFactory
Returns thing which ignores time completely.
getTimes() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeries1DImpl
getTimes() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeriesImpl
getTimes() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.TimeSeries
getTimeSeries() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.TimeSeriesFunction
getTimeUtil() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.RosUtils
getTolerance() - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.RK45Integrator
getTolerance() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GradientDescentApproximator
getTorque() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.HillMuscle
getTransform() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode.PassthroughTermination
getTransform() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
getTransform() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
getTransientTime() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
getTree() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ConfigUtil.ConfigurationPane
getTreeCellEditorComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeCellEditor
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeCellRenderer
getType() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.AbstractProperty
getType() - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.Property
getType() - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.SimulatorEvent
getType(String) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.DataTypesMap
Lookup if given data format is of supported ROS type, if not, check if it is shortened version of supported data type, if not, throw exception.
getTypeDescription() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.impl.NodeFactory
getTypeDescription() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFNeuronFactory
getTypeDescription() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberNeuronFactory
getTypeDescription() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.HodgkinHuxleySpikeGenerator.HodgkinHuxleyNeuronFactory
getTypeDescription() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFNeuronFactory
getTypeDescription() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.LinearNeuronFactory
getTypeDescription() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.SigmoidNeuronFactory
getTypeDescription() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork.PoiraziDendriteFactory
Returns type of node
getTypeDescription() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuronFactory
getUniqueName() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
getUnits() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicOrigin
getUnits() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PreciseSpikeOutputImpl
getUnits() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.RealOutputImpl
getUnits() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.SpikeOutputImpl
getUnits() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.InstantaneousOutput
getUnits() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LinearSynapticIntegrator.Factory
getUnits() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeries1DImpl
getUnits() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeriesImpl
getUnits() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.TimeSeries
getUnits() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
getUnits1D() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeries1DImpl
getUnits1D() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.TimeSeries1D
getUseGPU() - Static method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator
getUseGPU() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
getUseGPU() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
getUseGPU() - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
getValue(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ListPropertyImpl
getValue(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.NamedValuePropertyImpl
getValue() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.SingleValuedPropertyImpl
getValue(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.TemplateArrayProperty
getValue() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.TemplateProperty
getValue(int) - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.ListProperty
getValue(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.NamedValueProperty
getValue() - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.SingleValuedProperty
getValue() - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationChangeListener.EditorProxy
getValue() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.ConstantFunction
getValue(float, float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory.NoiseImplFunction
getValue(float, float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory.NoiseImplNull
getValue(float, float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory.NoiseImplPDF
getValue(float, float, float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Noise
getValueNames() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.NamedValuePropertyImpl
getValueNames() - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.NamedValueProperty
getValues() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.CompositeApproximator
getValues() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GradientDescentApproximator
getValues() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndependentDimensionApproximator
getValues() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PiecewiseConstantFunction
getValues() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator
getValues() - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.LinearApproximator
getValues() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicOrigin
getValues() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleOrigin
getValues() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl.ArrayOrigin
getValues() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.OriginWrapper
getValues() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode.PassthroughTermination
getValues() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PreciseSpikeOutputImpl
getValues() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.ProbeableOrigin
getValues() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.RealOutputImpl
getValues() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.SpikeOutputImpl
getValues() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
getValues() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikeGeneratorOrigin
Returns spike values or real-valued spike rate values, depending on whether the mode is SimulationMode.DEFAULT or SimulationMode.CONSTANT_RATE.
getValues() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Origin
getValues() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.RealOutput
getValues() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.SpikeOutput
getValues() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeries1DImpl
getValues() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeriesImpl
getValues() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.TimeSeries
getValues() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
getValues1D() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeries1DImpl
getValues1D() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.TimeSeries1D
getVariance() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GaussianPDF
getVoltage() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator
getVoltage() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator
getVoltageDim() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
getWeightProbabilities() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
getWeights() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
getWeights() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.ProjectionImpl
getWeights() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.PlasticNodeTermination
getWeights() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Projection
getWindow() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.Convolution
getWrappedOrigin() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.OriginWrapper
getWrappedTermination() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.TerminationWrapper
getX() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.InterpolatedFunction
getY() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.InterpolatedFunction
GolgiTendonOrgan - Interface in ca.nengo.model.muscle
A model of a golgi tendon organ receptor.
GPUThread - Class in ca.nengo.util.impl
A thread which uses an NEFGPUInterface to run GPU nodes and projections.
GPUThread(NodeThreadPool, boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.GPUThread
GPUThread(NodeThreadPool) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.GPUThread
GradientDescentApproximator - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A LinearApproximator that searches for coefficients by descending an error gradient.
GradientDescentApproximator(float[][], float[][], GradientDescentApproximator.Constraints, boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.GradientDescentApproximator
GradientDescentApproximator.CoefficientsSameSign - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
Forces all decoding coefficients to be >= 0.
GradientDescentApproximator.CoefficientsSameSign(boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.GradientDescentApproximator.CoefficientsSameSign
GradientDescentApproximator.Constraints - Interface in ca.nengo.math.impl
Enforces constraints on coefficients.
GradientDescentApproximator.Factory - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
An ApproximatorFactory that produces GradientDescentApproximators.
GradientDescentApproximator.Factory(GradientDescentApproximator.Constraints, boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.GradientDescentApproximator.Factory
groupName - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
GruberNeuronFactory - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
Creates GruberNeurons
GruberNeuronFactory(PDF, PDF) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberNeuronFactory
GruberNeuronFactory.GruberNeuron - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
Class representing the actual neuron
GruberNeuronFactory.GruberNeuron(SynapticIntegrator, GruberSpikeGenerator, float, float, String, LinearExponentialTermination) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberNeuronFactory.GruberNeuron
GruberSpikeGenerator - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
Model of spike generation in medium-spiny striatal neurons from: Gruber, Solla, Surmeier & Houk (2003) Modulation of striatal single units by expected reward: a spiny neuron model displaying dopamine-induced bistability, J Neurophysiol 90: 1095-1114.
GruberSpikeGenerator() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberSpikeGenerator
Create a spike generator that follows Gruber et al.'s medium-spiny striatal neuron model.
GruberSpikeGenerator.GruberDynamics - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
Implements dynamics of Gruber et al.
GruberSpikeGenerator.GruberDynamics(float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberSpikeGenerator.GruberDynamics
GTO_ORIGIN - Static variable in interface ca.nengo.model.muscle.SkeletalMuscle


handle(Exception, String, Component) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigExceptionHandler
HANDLERS_FILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class ca.nengo.config.MainHandler
Java package with handlers
handleTime(float, float) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl.DefaultTimeMaster
Publish actual time (endTime) across the ROS network.
handleTime(float, float) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl.DefaultTimeSlave
handleTime(float, float) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl.IgnoreTime
handleTime(float, float) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.RosTimeUtil
Three possibilities: -time master: this method publishes stopTime to the Clock topic, @see http://wiki.ros.org/Clock and returns unchanged values of startTIme and stopTime -time ignored: does nothing, returns unchanged values -time slave: reads the Clock value
hideGPUTiming() - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
hideOrigin(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
hideOrigin(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
Undoes exposeOrigin(x, x, name).
hideState(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
hideState(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
Undoes exposeState(x, x, name).
hideTermination(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
hideTermination(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
Undoes exposeTermination(x, x, name).
HillMuscle - Class in ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl
A Hill-type muscle model.
HillMuscle(String, float, float, Function, Function, Function) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.HillMuscle
HillMuscle.Dynamics - Class in ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl
Dynamical system for the Hill muscle model
HillMuscle.Dynamics(float, float, Function, Function, Function, boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.HillMuscle.Dynamics
HodgkinHuxleySpikeGenerator - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
A SpikeGenerator based on the Hodgkin-Huxley model.
HodgkinHuxleySpikeGenerator() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.HodgkinHuxleySpikeGenerator
Makes the dynamic system
HodgkinHuxleySpikeGenerator.HodgkinHuxleyNeuronFactory - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
A factory of neurons with linear synaptic integration and Hodgkin-Huxley spike generation.
HodgkinHuxleySpikeGenerator.HodgkinHuxleyNeuronFactory() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.HodgkinHuxleySpikeGenerator.HodgkinHuxleyNeuronFactory
HodgkinHuxleySpikeGenerator.HodgkinHuxleySystem - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
Hodgkin-Huxley spiking dynamics.
HodgkinHuxleySpikeGenerator.HodgkinHuxleySystem(float[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.HodgkinHuxleySpikeGenerator.HodgkinHuxleySystem
HodgkinHuxleySpikeGenerator.HodgkinHuxleySystem() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.HodgkinHuxleySpikeGenerator.HodgkinHuxleySystem
Set up the dynamical system
hPESTermination - Class in ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl
A termination whose transformation evolves according to the PES rule.
hPESTermination(NEFEnsemble, String, PlasticNodeTermination[], float[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.hPESTermination


I(int) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
IconRegistry - Class in ca.nengo.config
A registry of graphical Icons that can be used for displaying Property values.
IdentityFunction - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
Identity function on a particular dimension of input, ie f(x) = x_i, where i is a constant.
IdentityFunction(int, int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.IdentityFunction
IdentityFunction() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.IdentityFunction
Defaults to one dimension.
IdentityLTISystem - Class in ctu.nengoros.dynamics
New Termination needs to have defined its own dynamics for now.
IdentityLTISystem(int) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.dynamics.IdentityLTISystem
Creates SimpleLTISystem which implements just identity It has one state variable and matrix A=0
IgnoreTime - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl
In case of completely ignoring time for other ROS nodes, this does nothing.
IgnoreTime() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl.IgnoreTime
IMPLS_LOCATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class ca.nengo.config.ClassRegistry
Location of implementations...
importAsMatrix(File) - Method in class ca.nengo.io.DelimitedFileExporter
Imports a delimited file as a matrix.
ImpulseIntegral - Class in ca.nengo.dynamics.impl
A tool for finding the integral of the impulse response of an LTI system.
ImpulseIntegral() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.ImpulseIntegral
inAT - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.OR
inAT - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.Gate
inAT - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.SisoAbstractGate
inBT - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.OR
inBT - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoAbstractGate
inCT - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoAbstractGate
indDT - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoAbstractGate
independent - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
IndependentDimensionApproximator - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A LinearApproximator for functions with no multidimensional nonlinearities.
IndependentDimensionApproximator(float[], float[][], int[], int, Function, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndependentDimensionApproximator
IndependentDimensionApproximator.EncoderFactory - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A VectorGenerator for use with IndependentDimensionApproximator as an encoder factory.
IndependentDimensionApproximator.EncoderFactory(float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndependentDimensionApproximator.EncoderFactory
IndependentDimensionApproximator.EncoderFactory() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndependentDimensionApproximator.EncoderFactory
Defaults to radius 1.
IndependentDimensionApproximator.EvalPointFactory - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A VectorGenerator for use with IndependentDimensionApproximator as an evaluation point factory.
IndependentDimensionApproximator.EvalPointFactory(float, int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndependentDimensionApproximator.EvalPointFactory
IndependentDimensionApproximator.Factory - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
Factory for IndependentDimensionApproximators.
IndependentDimensionApproximator.Factory() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndependentDimensionApproximator.Factory
indET - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoAbstractGate
IndexFinder - Interface in ca.nengo.util
Searches a monotonically increasing list of floating-point values for the largest one that is less than or equal to a requested value.
indFT - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoAbstractGate
IndicatorPDF - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
Uniform probability between upper and lower limits, zero elsewhere.
IndicatorPDF(float, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndicatorPDF
IndicatorPDF(float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndicatorPDF
inform(List<String>, String) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeFactory
init(String, NodeGroup) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
initConfiguration() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
inited - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.Gate
initGroupOfNodes(NodeGroup) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeFactory
Create group of external nodes, modify their namespace or names so that each node in the ROS network has unique (complete) name
initialize(Node[], Projection[], int) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.MultiLevelKLNetworkPartitioner
initialize(Node[], Projection[], int) - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.NetworkPartitioner
initialize(Network) - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
initialize(Network) - Method in interface ca.nengo.sim.Simulator
Initializes the Simulator with a given Network, after which changes to the Network MAY OR MAY NOT BE IGNORED.
initialize() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
Gets all the necessary data from the nodes and projections which are assigned to run on GPUss and puts it in a form appropriate for passing to the native setup function.
initialize(Network, List<ThreadTask>, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
initRun(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
Setup the run.
insert(int, Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ListPropertyImpl
insert(int, Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.TemplateArrayProperty
insert(int, Object) - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.ListProperty
insertValue(TreePath, Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel
InstantaneousOutput - Interface in ca.nengo.model
An output from an Origin at an instant in time.
int2float(int[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.transformations.impl.IntegerSimpleRounding
int2float(int[]) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.transformations.IntegerTransform
IntBackend - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl
Receives and publishes Integers on the ROS side, Nengo side sees only arrays of floats.
IntBackend(String, String, int[], ConnectedNode, boolean) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.IntBackend
integ - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
IntegerHandler - Class in ca.nengo.config.handlers
ConfigurationHandler for Integer values.
IntegerHandler() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.handlers.IntegerHandler
ConfigurationHandler for Integer values.
IntegerSimpleRounding - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.transformations.impl
Convert between Integer and Float by simple casting and rounding..
IntegerSimpleRounding() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.transformations.impl.IntegerSimpleRounding
IntegerTransform - Interface in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.transformations
Template how to convert (array of) floats into integers and back.
integrate(DynamicalSystem, TimeSeries) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.EulerIntegrator
Linear interpolation is performed between given input points.
integrate(LTISystem) - Static method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.ImpulseIntegral
integrate(DynamicalSystem, TimeSeries) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.RK45Integrator
integrate(DynamicalSystem, TimeSeries) - Method in interface ca.nengo.dynamics.Integrator
Integrates the given system over the time span defined by the input time series.
integrate(DynamicalSystem, TimeSeries) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.dynamics.NoIntegrator
Integrate nothing..
Integrator - Interface in ca.nengo.dynamics
A numerical integrator of ordinary differential equations.
integrator - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.impl.BasicEncoder
INTERNEURON_SUFFIX - Static variable in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
Append to interneuron names
interpolate(float[], float[], float) - Static method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.InterpolatedFunction
interpolate(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.LinearInterpolatorND
interpolate(float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.Interpolator
interpolate(float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.InterpolatorND
InterpolatedFunction - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A 1-D Function based on interpolation between known points.
InterpolatedFunction(float[], float[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.InterpolatedFunction
Interpolator - Interface in ca.nengo.util
A tool for interpolating within a SCALAR time series (see also InterpolatorND for vector time series').
InterpolatorND - Interface in ca.nengo.util
A tool for interpolating within a VECTOR time series (see also Interpolator for scalar time series').
inUserInterface() - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.Environment
isCellEditable(EventObject) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeCellEditor
isChangeCancelled() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationChangeListener
isChangeCommited() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationChangeListener
isCollectingSpikes() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Ensemble
isCollectingSpikes() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
isCollectingTimings() - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
isControllableCanonical(LTISystem) - Static method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.CanonicalModel
isEnabled() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.BiasTermination
isFinished() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.LearningTask
isFinished() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.ProbeTask
isFinished() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.ThreadTask
isFixedCardinality() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ListPropertyImpl
isFixedCardinality() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.NamedValuePropertyImpl
isFixedCardinality() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.SingleValuedPropertyImpl
isFixedCardinality() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.TemplateArrayProperty
isFixedCardinality() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.TemplateProperty
isFixedCardinality() - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.Property
isInEnsemble() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.ProbeImpl
isInEnsemble() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.Probe
isLeaf(Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel
isMatrix(float[][]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
ismodem - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup.MyNodeConfig
isMultithreading() - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
isMutable() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.AbstractProperty
isMutable() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ListPropertyImpl
isMutable() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.NamedValuePropertyImpl
isMutable() - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.Property
isNamedAutomatically() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.NamedValuePropertyImpl
isNamedAutomatically() - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.NamedValueProperty
isNative - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup.MyNodeConfig
isPopulationPlastic(Termination[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleImpl
isReady() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodeTesters.SubscriberTestNode
Note that the method onStart is called by roscore asynchronously, so launching the node and calling its methods is insufficient.
isReady() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.util.sync.impl.SyncedUnit
isReady() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.util.sync.SyncedUnitInterface
isRunning() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.ExternalNodeContainer
isRunning() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode.impl.JNodeContainer
isRunning() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.ModContainer
isRunning() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.RunnableNode
isRunning() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
isUnix() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.ProcessLauncher
Whether we are able to launch Unix processes
isValidName(String) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.VisiblyMutableUtils
IzhikevichSpikeGenerator - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
From Izhikevich, 2003, the model is:
v' = 0.04v*v + 5v + 140 - u + I
u' = a(bv - u)
IzhikevichSpikeGenerator() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
Constructor using "default" parameters
IzhikevichSpikeGenerator(IzhikevichSpikeGenerator.Preset) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
IzhikevichSpikeGenerator(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
IzhikevichSpikeGenerator(float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
IzhikevichSpikeGenerator.Preset - Enum in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
Preset parameter values corresponding to different cell types.


JavaNodeContainer - Interface in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode
It is a container for NodeMain (java ROS node)
JavaNodeLauncher - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode
JavaNodeLauncher() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode.JavaNodeLauncher
JavaNodeNotFoundExc - Exception in ctu.nengoros.exceptions
Is thrown if java node that should be launched is not found.
JavaNodeNotFoundExc(String, String) - Constructor for exception ctu.nengoros.exceptions.JavaNodeNotFoundExc
Just say where it happened and why..
JavaNodeNotFoundExc(String) - Constructor for exception ctu.nengoros.exceptions.JavaNodeNotFoundExc
JavaNodeNotFoundExc(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ctu.nengoros.exceptions.JavaNodeNotFoundExc
JavaNodeNotFoundExc(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ctu.nengoros.exceptions.JavaNodeNotFoundExc
JavaSourceParser - Class in ca.nengo.config
Utilities for extracting data from Java source code files, including variable names and documentation.
JavaSourceParser() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.JavaSourceParser
JNodeContainer - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode.impl
Implementation of JavaNode, this class serves as a container for NodeMain (an actual Java ROS node)
JNodeContainer(NodeConfiguration, String, NodeMainExecutor) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode.impl.JNodeContainer
Jroscore - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils
Is able to launch java implementation of roscore.
Jroscore() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.Jroscore


kill() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.GPUThread
kill() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
kill() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThread
kill() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
Kill the threads in the pool by interrupting them.
killModem(ModemContainer) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeFactory
Shut down the modem, tell the NameProvider to remove the modem name from the list
killNeurons(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
Kills a certain percentage of neurons in the network (recursively including subnetworks).
killNeurons(float, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
Kills a certain percentage of neurons in the network (recursively including subnetworks).
killNeurons(float, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
Stops a given percentage of neurons in this population from firing.
killNode(JavaNodeContainer) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeFactory
Tells the NameProvider that node is being closed
killNode(NativeNodeContainer) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeFactory
This just tells the NameProvider that node is no longer running


launchModem(List<String>, String, NodeMainExecutor, NodeGroup) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode.JavaNodeLauncher
launchNode(List<String>, String, NodeMainExecutor) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode.JavaNodeLauncher
Return java implementation of ROS node registered into ROS network and waiting for start.
launchNode(String[], String, NodeMainExecutor) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode.JavaNodeLauncher
launchProcess(String[]) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.turtle.RuNativeCode
launchProcess(String[]) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.ProcessLauncher
checks OS type and prints out wise message, then launches Process and returns it
launchProcess(List<String>) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.ProcessLauncher
learn(String, String, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
Sets learning parameters on learned terminations in the array.
learn(String, String, float, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
Sets learning parameters on learned terminations in the array.
LearningTask - Class in ca.nengo.util.impl
Implementation of a ThreadTask to multithread learning in a plastic ensemble.
LearningTask(PlasticEnsembleImpl, PlasticEnsembleTermination, int, int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.LearningTask
LearningTask(LearningTask, int, int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.LearningTask
LENGTH - Static variable in interface ca.nengo.model.muscle.SkeletalMuscle
LIFNeuronFactory - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
A factory for leaky-integrate-and-fire neurons.
LIFNeuronFactory(float, float, PDF, PDF) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFNeuronFactory
LIFNeuronFactory() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFNeuronFactory
Uses default parameters.
LIFSpikeGenerator - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
A leaky-integrate-and-fire model of spike generation.
LIFSpikeGenerator() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator
Uses default values.
LIFSpikeGenerator(float, float, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator
LIFSpikeGenerator(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator
LIFSpikeGenerator.Factory - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
Creates LIFSpikeGenerators.
LIFSpikeGenerator.Factory() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator.Factory
Set reasonable defaults
LinearApproximator - Interface in ca.nengo.math
Finds coefficients on a set of functions so that their linear combination approximates a target Function.
LinearCurveFitter - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
Interpolates linearly between example points.
LinearCurveFitter() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.LinearCurveFitter
LinearExponentialTermination - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
A Termination at which incoming spikes induce exponentially decaying post-synaptic currents that are combined linearly.
LinearExponentialTermination(Node, String, float[], float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
LinearFunction - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A linear map into one dimension.
LinearFunction(float[], float, boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.LinearFunction
LinearInterpolatorND - Class in ca.nengo.util.impl
Interpolates linearly between adjacent values of a vector time series.
LinearInterpolatorND(TimeSeries) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.LinearInterpolatorND
LinearSynapticIntegrator - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
A basic linear SynapticIntegrator model.
LinearSynapticIntegrator(float, Units) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LinearSynapticIntegrator
LinearSynapticIntegrator() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LinearSynapticIntegrator
Defaults to max timestep 1ms and units Units.ACU.
LinearSynapticIntegrator.Factory - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
Factory for making LinearSynapticIntegrators
LinearSynapticIntegrator.Factory() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LinearSynapticIntegrator.Factory
Set defaults
LinearSystem - Interface in ca.nengo.dynamics
A linear dynamical system, which may or may not be time-varying.
LinkSegmentModel - Interface in ca.nengo.model.muscle
TODO: javadocs
LinkSegmentModelImpl - Class in ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl
Default implementation of LinkSegmentModel.
LinkSegmentModelImpl(String, DynamicalSystem, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
ListProperty - Interface in ca.nengo.config
A Property that can have multiple values, each of which is identified by an integer index.
ListPropertyImpl - Class in ca.nengo.config.impl
Default implementation of ListProperty.
ListPropertyImpl(Configuration, String, Class<?>, Method) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.impl.ListPropertyImpl
ListPropertyImpl(Configuration, String, Class<?>, Method, Method) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.impl.ListPropertyImpl
listStates() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
listStates() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
listStates() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
listStates() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
listStates() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
listStates() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
listStates() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
listStates() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
listStates() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
listStates() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator
listStates() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
listStates() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberSpikeGenerator
listStates() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
listStates() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator
listStates() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
listStates() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Probeable
listStates() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
also for Probeable..
load(File) - Method in class ca.nengo.io.FileManager
load(int) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.io.AgentSaver
Will return the first agent found with the specified generation
LocalSimulator - Class in ca.nengo.sim.impl
A Simulator that runs locally (ie in the Java Virtual Machine in which it is called).
LocalSimulator() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
log - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.Gate
Logger - Class in ctu.nengoros.tools.utils
Logger() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
Logger(String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
Logger(String) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
creates instance of my simple Logger, the logger uses console by default
LongHandler - Class in ca.nengo.config.handlers
ConfigurationHandler for Long values.
LongHandler() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.handlers.LongHandler
ConfigurationHandler for Long values.
lti - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
LTISystem - Class in ca.nengo.dynamics.impl
A linear time-invariant dynamical system model in state-space form.
LTISystem(float[][], float[][], float[][], float[][], float[], Units[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
Each argument is an array of arrays that represents a matrix.
LU - Class in ctu.nengoros.tools.utils
If you want to format something for printing, use this
LU() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.LU


MAD - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend
MAD() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.MAD
main(String[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.HillMuscle
main(String[]) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.ModemF2I
Generally: name of each node is composed of node group +separator+ node name.
main(String[]) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.MultipleNodesTwoGroups
main(String[]) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.turtle.ControlAndReadColor
main(String[]) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.turtle.OneTurtle
main(String[]) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.turtle.RuNativeCode
main(String[]) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.turtle.TwoTurtles
main(String[]) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.TwoNodesFactoryDemo
Generally: name of each node is composed of node group +separator+ node name.
main(String[]) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.Jroscore
Tries to read the URI address of the roscore from command line Launches the master server (roscore) and waits
MainHandler - Class in ca.nengo.config
A composite ConfigurationHandler which delegates to other underlying ConfigurationHandlers that can handle specific classes.
make(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.impl.NodeFactory
make(String, int, int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleFactoryImpl
make(String, int, float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleFactoryImpl
make(String, int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleFactoryImpl
make(String, int, float[], String, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleFactoryImpl
make(String, int, int) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsembleFactory
make(String, int, float[]) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsembleFactory
make(String, int, float[], String, boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsembleFactory
Loads an NEFEnsemble, or creates and saves it.
make(String, int, int, String, boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsembleFactory
Loads an NEFEnsemble, or creates and saves it.
make(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFNeuronFactory
make() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator.Factory
make(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberNeuronFactory
make(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.HodgkinHuxleySpikeGenerator.HodgkinHuxleyNeuronFactory
make(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFNeuronFactory
make() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator.Factory
make() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LinearSynapticIntegrator.Factory
make() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.LinearFactory
make(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.LinearNeuronFactory
make() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.SigmoidFactory
make(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.SigmoidNeuronFactory
make(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork.PoiraziDendriteFactory
Makes a "Dendrite" Node
make() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.RateFunctionSpikeGenerator.PoiraziDendriteSigmoidFactory
make() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikeGeneratorFactory
make(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuronFactory
make() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SynapticIntegratorFactory
makeExplicitNoise(Function) - Static method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory
makeNetwork() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork
Creates nodes and calls methods to make all origins, terminations, and projections
makeNodeThreadPool(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
makeNullNoise() - Static method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory
makeRandomNoise(float, PDF) - Static method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory
makeRandomNoise(float, PDF, DynamicalSystem, Integrator) - Static method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory
makeSeries(Function, float, float, float, Units) - Static method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.TimeSeriesFunction
makeVariableNameValid(String) - Static method in class ca.nengo.io.MatlabExporter
makeVector(float, float, float) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
map(float[]) - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.Function
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.AbstractFunction
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.ConstantFunction
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.Convolution
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.ExponentialPDF
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FixedSignalFunction
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FourierFunction
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FunctionBasisImpl
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GaussianPDF
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IdentityFunction
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndicatorPDF
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.InterpolatedFunction
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.LinearFunction
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.NumericallyDifferentiableFunction
Passed through to underlying Function.
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.NumericallyDifferentiableFunction.NumericalDerivative
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PDFFunction
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PiecewiseConstantFunction
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PoissonPDF
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.Polynomial
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PostfixFunction
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SigmoidFunction
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Acos
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Asin
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Atan
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Cos
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Exp
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Fold
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.InverseNormal
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Ln
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Log10
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Log2
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Max
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Min
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Normal
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Pow
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Sin
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Sqrt
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Tan
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SineFunction
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.TimeSeriesFunction
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.RateFunctionSpikeGenerator.PoiraziDendriteSigmoid
map(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.RateFunctionSpikeGenerator.PoiraziSomaSigmoid
MatlabExporter - Class in ca.nengo.io
A tool for exporting data to Matlab .mat files.
MatlabExporter() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.io.MatlabExporter
Export data to Matlab .mat files
MatrixEditor - Class in ca.nengo.config.ui
An UI component for editing matrices.
MatrixEditor(float[][]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.ui.MatrixEditor
Creates an editor for the given matrix.
MatrixEditor(float[][], boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.ui.MatrixEditor
MatrixHandler - Class in ca.nengo.config.handlers
ConfigurationHandler for float[][] values.
MatrixHandler() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.handlers.MatrixHandler
ConfigurationHandler for float[][] values.
MatrixHandlerBase - Class in ca.nengo.config.handlers
Base class for ConfigurationHandlers that deal with 2D arrays
MatrixHandlerBase(Class<?>) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.handlers.MatrixHandlerBase
Base class for ConfigurationHandlers that deal with 2D arrays
max(float[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
max(float[][]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
maxNumJavaThreads - Static variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
mc - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
me - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.DefaultModem
me - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.RunnableNode
me - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeFactory
me - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.impl.BasicEncoder
me - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
me - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.BasicMultiTermination
me - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.impl.SumMultiTermination
me - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.ProcessLauncher
me - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.RosUtils
me - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.params.ParamHandler
me - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
mean(float[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
mean(float[][]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
MEMBRANE_POTENTIAL - Static variable in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberSpikeGenerator
String that is used for membrane potential
Memory - Class in ca.nengo.util
Internal ctu.nengoros.test.external.tools for checking memory usage.
Memory() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.Memory
Mess - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils
Just some debugging (mainly printing out arrays) utilities
Mess() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.Mess
MessageFormatException - Exception in ctu.nengoros.exceptions
Should deal with bad formatting of ROS messages and their parsing by Nengoros Reshapers and Rescalers (generally modems).
MessageFormatException(String, String) - Constructor for exception ctu.nengoros.exceptions.MessageFormatException
min(float[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
min(float[][]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
MisoAbstractGate<T> - Class in ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util
Abstract logical MISO gate extends SISO gate with one input.
MisoAbstractGate() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoAbstractGate
MisoGate - Class in ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util
MisoGate() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoGate
ModContainer - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl
ModContainer(NodeConfiguration, String, NodeMainExecutor, NodeGroup) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.ModContainer
Modem - Interface in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem
modem is also a ROS node this defines abilities of an arbitrary modem, that is: -initialize -each Coder/Decoder can obtain factory for subscribing/publishing through the getConnectedNode() method
modem - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
ModemContainer - Interface in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem
ModemF2I - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo
This demo starts roscore and launches two nodes in one group of nodes.
ModemF2I() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.ModemF2I
modemSet() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
modifyNames(String, String[], String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NameProvider
If you do not allow pushing yourself (this group) into own namespace.
modifyTransform(float[][], boolean, int, int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
Modifies the transformation weights in-place.
modifyWeights(float[], boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
This modifies the weights in-place, rather than creating new ones, so will usually be faster than calling setWeights.
modifyWeights(float[], boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.PlasticNodeTermination
ModulatedPlasticEnsembleTermination - Class in ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl
A Termination that is composed of Terminations onto multiple Nodes.
ModulatedPlasticEnsembleTermination(Node, String, PlasticNodeTermination[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.ModulatedPlasticEnsembleTermination
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreePopupListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreePopupListener
MU - Class in ca.nengo.util
"Matrix Utilities".
MU() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.MU
MU.MatrixExpander - Class in ca.nengo.util
A tool for growing matrices (similar to java.util.List).
MU.MatrixExpander() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.MU.MatrixExpander
MU.VectorExpander - Class in ca.nengo.util
A tool for growing vectors (similar to java.util.List).
MU.VectorExpander() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.MU.VectorExpander
MultiLevelKLNetworkPartitioner - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
Employs the multi-level Kernighan-Lin graph partitioning heuristic to partition a network into a given number of partitions such that the amount of information passed along the projections that cross partitions is minimized, while making sure the number of neurons in each partition is relatively balanced.
MultiLevelKLNetworkPartitioner() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.MultiLevelKLNetworkPartitioner
multiMap(float[][]) - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.Function
multiMap(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.AbstractFunction
multiMap(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.ConstantFunction
multiMap(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FourierFunction
multiMap(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GaussianPDF
multiMap(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IdentityFunction
multiMap(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndicatorPDF
multiMap(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.NumericallyDifferentiableFunction
Passed through to underlying Function.
multiMap(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.NumericallyDifferentiableFunction.NumericalDerivative
multiMap(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PostfixFunction
multiMap(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SineFunction
MultipleNodesTwoGroups - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo
This demo starts (j)roscore (and rxgrpah if found) and launches three nodes.
MultipleNodesTwoGroups() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.MultipleNodesTwoGroups
multiTermination - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.impl.BasicEncoder
MultiTermination - Interface in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination
This is as similar as possible to the Termination.
MuscleSpindle - Interface in ca.nengo.model.muscle
A model of a muscle spindle receptor.
myAverageTimePerStep - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
myCollectTimings - Static variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
myConfiguration - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
myCurrentNumJavaThreads - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
myDecodedOrigins - Variable in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
myDecodedTerminations - Variable in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
myDimension - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
myDocumentation - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
myEncoders - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
myEndTime - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
myEndTime - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
MyEventListenerInterface - Interface in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.newMessageEvent
This have to implement all decoders.
myExpandableNodes - Variable in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleImpl
myExpandedTerminations - Variable in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleImpl
myFilteredInput - Variable in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
myFilteredModInput - Variable in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.ModulatedPlasticEnsembleTermination
myFilteredOutput - Variable in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
myGain - Variable in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PESTermination
myGPUEnsembles - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
myGPUNetworkArrays - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
myGPUProjections - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
myInput - Variable in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
myLearning - Variable in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
myLearningRate - Variable in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
myListener - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
myLock - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
myMode - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
myModInput - Variable in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.ModulatedPlasticEnsembleTermination
myModTermName - Variable in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.ModulatedPlasticEnsembleTermination
myName - Variable in enum ca.nengo.model.Units
Standard name of units
myName - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
myName - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
myNode - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
myNodes - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
myNodes - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
myNoise - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
myNoises - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
myNumGPU - Variable in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
myNumGPU - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
myNumJavaThreads - Variable in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
myNumJavaThreads - Static variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
myNumJavaThreads - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
myNumSteps - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
myNumThreads - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
myOriginName - Variable in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
myOrigins - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
myOutput - Variable in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
myPlasticEnsembleTerminations - Variable in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleImpl
myProjections - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
myProjections - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
myProperties - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
myRequireAllOutputsOnCPU - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
myRequiredOnCPU - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
myRosNode - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
myRosNode - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.impl.BasicEncoder
myRunStartTime - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
myStartTime - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
myStartTime - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
mySubscription - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
myTasks - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
myTerminations - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
myTerminations - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
myThreads - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
myTime - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
MYTYPE - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.BooleanBackend
MYTYPE - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.FloatBackend
MYTYPE - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.IntBackend
MYTYPE - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.ColorBackend
MYTYPE - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.PoseBackend
MYTYPE - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.TwistBackend
MYTYPE - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.VelocityBackend
myUnits - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
myUnits - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
myUseGPU - Variable in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
myUseGPU - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
myValue - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
myValues - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
myWeights - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination


name - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.RunnableNode
name - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup.MyNodeConfig
name - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.impl.BasicEncoder
name - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
name - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.params.ParamHandler
name - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl.DefaultTimeMaster
name - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl.DefaultTimeSlave
name - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl.IgnoreTime
nameChanged(VisiblyMutable, String, String, List<VisiblyMutable.Listener>) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.VisiblyMutableUtils
NamedValueProperty - Interface in ca.nengo.config
A property that can have multiple values, each of which is indexed by a String name.
NamedValuePropertyImpl - Class in ca.nengo.config.impl
Default implementation of NamedValueProperty.
NamedValuePropertyImpl(Configuration, String, Class<?>, Method, Method) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.impl.NamedValuePropertyImpl
NamedValuePropertyImpl(Configuration, String, Class<?>, Method) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.impl.NamedValuePropertyImpl
NameProvider - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory
This enables to Nengoros to automatically push groups of ROS nodes (launched nodes and group modem) into own namespaces.
NameProvider() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NameProvider
namesOfRunningNodes() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NameProvider
namesOfRunningNodes() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeFactory
namespace - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
NativeNodeContainer - Interface in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode
NativeNode should be able to create process by means of ProcessBuilder (ideally in a constructor) according to launchCommand and prepare it for starting.
NEFEnsemble - Interface in ca.nengo.model.nef
A group of Nodes that represent a scalar, vector, or function, as characterized in Eliasmith & Anderson's Neural Engineering Framework.
NEFEnsembleFactory - Interface in ca.nengo.model.nef
Provides a convenient and configurable way to create NEFEnsembles.
NEFEnsembleFactoryImpl - Class in ca.nengo.model.nef.impl
Default implementation of NEFEnsembleFactory.
NEFEnsembleFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleFactoryImpl
Default constructor.
NEFEnsembleImpl - Class in ca.nengo.model.nef.impl
Default implementation of NEFEnsemble.
NEFEnsembleImpl(String, NEFNode[], float[][], ApproximatorFactory, float[][], float[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
NEFGPUInterface - Class in ca.nengo.util.impl
Allows running NEFEnsembles on the GPU.
NEFGPUInterface(boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
NEFNode - Interface in ca.nengo.model.nef
A Node with a distinguished Termination that corresponds to a net effect of input.
NEFUtil - Class in ca.nengo.model.nef.impl
Utility methods for related to Neural Engineering Framework.
NEFUtil() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFUtil
NengoException - Exception in ca.nengo
A Computational Neuroscience exception.
NengoException(String) - Constructor for exception ca.nengo.NengoException
NengoException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ca.nengo.NengoException
NengoException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ca.nengo.NengoException
Network - Interface in ca.nengo.model
A neural circuit, consisting of Nodes such as Ensembles and ExternalInputs.
NetworkArrayImpl - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
Default implementation of Network Array.
NetworkArrayImpl(String, NEFEnsembleImpl[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
Create a network holding an array of nodes.
NetworkArrayImpl.ArrayOrigin - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
Origin representing the concatenation of origins on each of the ensembles within the network array.
NetworkArrayImpl.ArrayOrigin(NetworkArrayImpl, String, Origin[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl.ArrayOrigin
NetworkArrayImpl.WeightFunc - Interface in ca.nengo.model.impl
NetworkImpl - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
Default implementation of Network.
NetworkImpl() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
Sets up a network's data structures
NetworkImpl.OriginWrapper - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
Wraps an Origin with a new name (for exposing outside Network).
NetworkImpl.OriginWrapper(Node, Origin, String) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.OriginWrapper
NetworkImpl.OriginWrapper() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.OriginWrapper
Default constructor TODO: Is this necessary?
NetworkImpl.TerminationWrapper - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
Wraps a Termination with a new name (for exposing outside Network).
NetworkImpl.TerminationWrapper(Node, Termination, String) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.TerminationWrapper
NetworkPartitioner - Interface in ca.nengo.math
NeuralModule - Interface in ctu.nengoros.modules
NeuralModule is similar to SimpleNode, but adds the support for ROS communication.
Neuron - Interface in ca.nengo.model.neuron
A model of a single neuron cell.
NewConfigurableDialog - Class in ca.nengo.config.ui
A dialog box through which the user can construct a new object.
NewConfigurableDialog.ConstructionProperties - Class in ca.nengo.config.ui
Class used to pass configuration properties to created classes.
NewRosMessageEvent - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.newMessageEvent
This event is fired when a Backend receives a ROS message.
NewRosMessageEvent(Object) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.newMessageEvent.NewRosMessageEvent
newTerminationFor(String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
newTerminationFor(String, float) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
newTerminationFor(String, Float[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
newTerminationFor(String) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.modules.NeuralModule
In order to simplify connecting new inputs to the Encoder (MultiTermination in general), this method can be use to create new Terminations.
newTerminationFor(String, float) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.modules.NeuralModule
The same as the NeuralModule.newTerminationFor(String), but here the weight can be specified.
newTerminationFor(String, Float[]) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.modules.NeuralModule
The same as the NeuralModule.newTerminationFor(String), but here the weight for each dimension can be specified.
NewtonRootFinder - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
Root finder that uses Newton's method.
NewtonRootFinder(int, boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.NewtonRootFinder
nme - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeFactory
nme - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.RosTimeUtilFactory
Node - Interface in ca.nengo.model
A part of a Network that can be run independently (eg a Neuron).
nodeConfigs - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
NodeFactory - Interface in ca.nengo.model.impl
Produces Nodes.
NodeFactory - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory
Give me name and namespace, I will create your node and prepare it for launching.
NodeFactory() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeFactory
NodeGroup - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory
Group of nodes typically corresponds to one smart neuron.
NodeGroup(String, String) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
Setup of non-independent group with predefned namespace.
NodeGroup(String, boolean) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
Group of nodes can be either independent, non-nedependent (namespace is generated automatically) or with predefined namespace, therefore not independent.
NodeGroup.MyNodeConfig - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory
NodeGroup.MyNodeConfig(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup.MyNodeConfig
NodeGroup.MyNodeConfig(String[], String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup.MyNodeConfig
nodeRemoved(VisiblyMutable, Node, List<VisiblyMutable.Listener>) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.VisiblyMutableUtils
Notifies listeners that a node has been removed within the given object.
nodes - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
nodesShouldStop - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.RosUtils
NodeThread - Class in ca.nengo.util.impl
A thread for running projections, nodes and tasks in.
NodeThread(NodeThreadPool, Node[], int, int, Projection[], int, int, ThreadTask[], int, int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThread
NodeThreadPool - Class in ca.nengo.util.impl
A pool of threads for running nodes in.
NodeThreadPool() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
NodeThreadPool(Network, List<ThreadTask>, boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
NoIntegrator - Class in ctu.nengoros.dynamics
We do not want to integrate anything, but we need an Integrator in order to instantiate BasicTermination.
NoIntegrator() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.dynamics.NoIntegrator
Noise - Interface in ca.nengo.model
An model of noise that can be explicitly injected into a circuit (e.g.
Noise.Noisy - Interface in ca.nengo.model
An object that implements this interface is subject to Noise.
NoiseFactory - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
Default additive Noise implementations.
NoiseFactory() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory
NoiseFactory.NoiseImplFunction - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
Note: there are no public setters here for the same reason as in NoiseImplPDF.
NoiseFactory.NoiseImplFunction(Function) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory.NoiseImplFunction
NoiseFactory.NoiseImplFunction() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory.NoiseImplFunction
Default zero noise.
NoiseFactory.NoiseImplNull - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
Zero additive Noise
NoiseFactory.NoiseImplNull() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory.NoiseImplNull
NoiseFactory.NoiseImplPDF - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
Note: setters are private, because Origins typically make copies for each output dimension, which would then not be updated with changes to the original.
NoiseFactory.NoiseImplPDF(float, PDF, DynamicalSystem, Integrator) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory.NoiseImplPDF
nonGPUProjections - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
normalize(float[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
noSimTime - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.RosTimeUtilFactory
notifyAboutDeletion() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleImpl
notifyAboutDeletion() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
notifyAboutDeletion() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
Recursively inform all sub-Nodes that they will be deleted soon.
notifyAboutDeletion() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
notifyAboutDeletion() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
notifyAboutDeletion() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
notifyAboutDeletion() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
notifyAboutDeletion() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Node
This method tells the Node (network) that is being deleted from Nengo, Node can inform its children (child Nodes) that are being deleted, these nodes can e.g.
notifyAboutDeletion() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
np - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeFactory
NumericallyDifferentiableFunction - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A wrapper around any Function that provides a numerical approximation of its derivative, so that it can be used as a DifferentiableFunction.
NumericallyDifferentiableFunction(Function, int, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.NumericallyDifferentiableFunction
NumericallyDifferentiableFunction() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.NumericallyDifferentiableFunction
Uses dummy parameters to allow setting after construction.
NumericallyDifferentiableFunction.NumericalDerivative - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
NumericallyDifferentiableFunction.NumericalDerivative(Function, int, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.NumericallyDifferentiableFunction.NumericalDerivative
numOfRunningNodes() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NameProvider
numOfRunningNodes() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeFactory
Get number of currently running ROS nodes.
numThreadsComplete - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
numThreadsWaiting - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool


onError(Node, Throwable) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.DefaultModem
onError(Node, Throwable) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.ROSNode
OneTurtle - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.turtle
Runs demo with turtle, where turtle has its own controlled and sensoric system which registers position of turtle in the map.
OneTurtle() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.turtle.OneTurtle
onNewRosMessage(Message) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.newMessageEvent.MyEventListenerInterface
onNewRosMessage(Message) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
ROS fires onNewRosMessage events, so here is my subscription: each new ROS message accept, decode and update my values to them.
OnNewRosMessageSource - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.newMessageEvent
OnNewRosMessageSource() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.newMessageEvent.OnNewRosMessageSource
OnNewRosMessageSourceInt - Interface in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.newMessageEvent
onShutdown(Node) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.DefaultModem
onShutdown(Node) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.ROSNode
onShutdownComplete(Node) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.DefaultModem
onShutdownComplete(Node) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.ROSNode
onStart(ConnectedNode) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.DefaultModem
onStart(ConnectedNode) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.ROSNode
onStart(ConnectedNode) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.params.ParamHandler
onStart(ConnectedNode) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl.DefaultTimeMaster
Method called after launching the node.
onStart(ConnectedNode) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl.DefaultTimeSlave
onStart(ConnectedNode) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoGate
onStart(ConnectedNode) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.minmax.F2FPubSub
onStart(ConnectedNode) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.minmax.F2IPubSub
onStart(ConnectedNode) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.pubsub.DemoPublisher
Method called after launching the node.
onStart(ConnectedNode) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.pubsub.DemoSubscriber
Method called after launching the node.
onStart(ConnectedNode) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodeTesters.PublisherTestNode
onStart(ConnectedNode) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodeTesters.SubscriberTestNode
optimizeDecoders(float[][], float[], boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.BiasOrigin
This method adjusts bias decoders so that the bias function is as flat as possible, without changing the bias encoders on the post-synaptic ensemble.
optimizeInterneuronDomain(DecodedTermination, DecodedTermination) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.BiasOrigin
This method adjusts the interneuron channel so that the interneurons are tuned to the range of values that is output by the bias function.
OR - Class in ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate
OR() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.OR
orderedEncoders - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
orderedOrigins - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
orderedTerminations - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
orderedTerminations - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
ORIGIN - Static variable in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
Default name for an origin
Origin - Interface in ca.nengo.model
An source of information in a circuit model.
ORIGIN_NAME - Static variable in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
Name for the default origin
ORIGIN_NAME - Static variable in interface ca.nengo.model.muscle.GolgiTendonOrgan
Default origin name
ourLogger - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
outAT - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.OR
outAT - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.SisoAbstractGate
outBT - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoAbstractGate
outCT - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoAbstractGate
outDT - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoAbstractGate
outerprod(float[], float[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
outerprod(float[], float[], float[][], int) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
In-place outer product.
outET - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoAbstractGate
outFT - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoAbstractGate
OUTPUT - Static variable in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
Name of Probeable output state.


p - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.RunnableNode
p(String) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.DU
p(String, int, String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
p(int, String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
p(String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
pa(int, int[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
print array
pa(int, float[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
ParamHandler - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.params
ParamHandler() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.params.ParamHandler
parent - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.impl.BasicEncoder
parent - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
parse(String, int) - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.FunctionInterpreter
Parses a mathematical expression into a Function instance.
parse(String, int) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.DefaultFunctionInterpreter
PassthroughNode - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
A Node that passes values through unaltered.
PassthroughNode(String, int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
Constructor for a simple passthrough with single input.
PassthroughNode(String, int, Map<String, float[][]>) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
Constructor for a summing junction with multiple inputs.
PassthroughNode.PassthroughTermination - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
Termination that receives input unaltered.
PassthroughNode.PassthroughTermination(Node, String, int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode.PassthroughTermination
PassthroughNode.PassthroughTermination(Node, String, int, float[][]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode.PassthroughTermination
PDF - Interface in ca.nengo.math
Probability density function.
PDFFunction - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A Function that produces outputs drawn from a given distribution.
PDFFunction(PDF) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.PDFFunction
PDFTools - Class in ca.nengo.math
Convenience methods for using PDFs.
PDFTools() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.PDFTools
PeripheralsRegisteringNode - Interface in ctu.nengoros.modules
This is typically NeuralModule which can create Origin or Termination.
PESTermination - Class in ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl
A termination whose transformation evolves according to the PES rule.
PESTermination(NEFEnsemble, String, PlasticNodeTermination[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PESTermination
PiecewiseConstantFunction - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A one-dimensional function for which the output is constant between a finite number of discontinuities.
PiecewiseConstantFunction(float[], float[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.PiecewiseConstantFunction
PiecewiseConstantFunction(float[], float[], int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.PiecewiseConstantFunction
A version of the constructor that allows you to specify the dimension (this doesn't do anything since this function makes no use of its input, but it allows these functions to be attached to multidimensional ensembles).
pl(String) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.DU
pl(String, int, String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
pl(int, String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
pl(String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
PlasticEnsemble - Interface in ca.nengo.model.plasticity
An extension of the default ensemble in which connection weights can be modified by a plasticity rule.
PlasticEnsembleImpl - Class in ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl
An extension of the default ensemble; connection weights can be modified by a plasticity rule.
PlasticEnsembleImpl(String, Node[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleImpl
PlasticEnsembleImpl(String, NodeFactory, int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleImpl
PlasticEnsembleTermination - Class in ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl
A Termination that is composed of Terminations onto multiple Nodes.
PlasticEnsembleTermination(Node, String, PlasticNodeTermination[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
PlasticNodeTermination - Interface in ca.nengo.model
Plastic terminations can be ensemble level or node level.
plot(TimeSeries, String) - Static method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
Static convenience method for producing a TimeSeries plot.
plot(TimeSeries, float, String) - Static method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
As plot(TimeSeries) but series is filtered before plotting.
plot(TimeSeries, TimeSeries, String) - Static method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
Plots ideal and actual TimeSeries' together.
plot(List<TimeSeries>, List<SpikePattern>, String) - Static method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
Plots multiple TimeSeries and/or SpikePatterns together in the same plot.
plot(TimeSeries, TimeSeries, float, String) - Static method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
Plots ideal and actual TimeSeries' together, with each series filtered before plotting.
plot(NEFEnsemble, String) - Static method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
Static convenience method for producing a decoding error plot of an NEFEnsemble origin.
plot(NEFEnsemble) - Static method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
Static convenience method for producing a plot of CONSTANT_RATE responses over range of inputs.
plot(SpikePattern) - Static method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
Static convenience method for plotting a spike raster.
plot(Function, float, float, float, String) - Static method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
Static convenience method for plotting a Function.
plot(float[], String) - Static method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
Static convenience method for plotting a vector.
plot(float[], float[], String) - Static method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
Static convenience method for plotting a vector.
Plotter - Class in ca.nengo.plot
Factory for frequently-used plots.
Plotter() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
pnorm(float[], int) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
PoissonPDF - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A Poisson distribution.
PoissonPDF(float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.PoissonPDF
PoissonSpikeGenerator - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
A phenomenological SpikeGenerator that produces spikes according to a Poisson process with a rate that varies as a function of current.
PoissonSpikeGenerator(Function) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator
PoissonSpikeGenerator() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator
Uses a default sigmoid rate function
PoissonSpikeGenerator.LinearFactory - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
Creates PoissonSpikeGenerators with linear response functions.
PoissonSpikeGenerator.LinearFactory() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.LinearFactory
Set reasonable defaults
PoissonSpikeGenerator.LinearNeuronFactory - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
A factory for neurons with linear or rectified linear response functions.
PoissonSpikeGenerator.LinearNeuronFactory(PDF, PDF, boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.LinearNeuronFactory
PoissonSpikeGenerator.SigmoidFactory - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
Creates sigmoid neurons (I guess rate-mode Poisson neurons?)
PoissonSpikeGenerator.SigmoidFactory() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.SigmoidFactory
Set reasonable defaults
PoissonSpikeGenerator.SigmoidNeuronFactory - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
A factory for neurons with sigmoid response functions.
PoissonSpikeGenerator.SigmoidNeuronFactory(PDF, PDF, PDF) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.SigmoidNeuronFactory
Neurons from this factory will have Poisson firing rates that are sigmoidal functions of current.
Polynomial - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A one-dimensional polynomial Function.
Polynomial(float[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.Polynomial
PolynomialCurveFitter - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A least-squares polynomial CurveFitter.
PolynomialCurveFitter(int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.PolynomialCurveFitter
PoseBackend - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle
Should be able to handle messages about position of turtle in turtlesim.
PoseBackend(String, String, ConnectedNode, boolean) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.PoseBackend
post(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.DFSIterator
post(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.ScriptGenerator
PostfixFunction - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A Function based on a mathematical expression and on other functions.
PostfixFunction(List<Serializable>, String, int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.PostfixFunction
PostfixFunction(String, int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.PostfixFunction
prb - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.RunnableNode
pre(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.DFSIterator
pre(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.ScriptGenerator
PreciseSpikeOutput - Interface in ca.nengo.model
InstantaneousOutput consisting of spikes and the time since they occurred.
PreciseSpikeOutputImpl - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
A class for representing precise spike times.
PreciseSpikeOutputImpl(float[], Units, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.PreciseSpikeOutputImpl
prefferJroscore(boolean) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.RosUtils
if C++ roscore found, which one prefer?
PreLearnTermination - Class in ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl
A termination that learns only on presynaptic spikes.
PreLearnTermination(NEFEnsemble, String, PlasticNodeTermination[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PreLearnTermination
printCommands - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeFactory
printOriginNames() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
printOriginNames() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.modules.PeripheralsRegisteringNode
printOut - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeFactory
printPWD() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.ProcessLauncher
printTerminationNames() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
printTerminationNames() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.modules.PeripheralsRegisteringNode
printToConsole - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup.MyNodeConfig
printToFile(boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
Probe - Interface in ca.nengo.util
Reads state variables from Probeable objects (eg membrane potential from a Neuron).
Probeable - Interface in ca.nengo.model
An object that can be probed for a history of its state OVER THE MOST RECENT NETWORK TIME STEP.
ProbeableOrigin - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
An Origin that obtains output from an underlying Probeable object.
ProbeableOrigin(Node, Probeable, String, int, String) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.ProbeableOrigin
ProbeImpl - Class in ca.nengo.util.impl
Collects information from Probeable objects.
ProbeImpl() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.ProbeImpl
ProbeTask - Class in ca.nengo.util.impl
Implementation of a ThreadTask to multithread collection of data by probes.
ProbeTask(Probeable, Probe) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.ProbeTask
processEvent(SimulatorEvent) - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.WriteToDiskSimulatorListener
processEvent(SimulatorEvent) - Method in interface ca.nengo.sim.SimulatorListener
ProcessLauncher - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils
Factory which is able to launch native processes.
ProcessLauncher() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.ProcessLauncher
prod(float[], float) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
prod(float[], float[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
prod(float[][], float[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
prod(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
prod(float[][], float) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
prodElementwise(float[], float[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
prodElementwise(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
Projection - Interface in ca.nengo.model
A connection between an Origin and a Termination.
ProjectionImpl - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
Default implementation of Projection.
ProjectionImpl(Origin, Termination, Network) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.ProjectionImpl
Property - Interface in ca.nengo.config
An element of a Configuration; wraps some property of an object (eg a bean-pattern property).
pseudoInverse(double[][], float, int) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator
Override this method to use a different pseudoinverse implementation (eg clustered).
publish(float[]) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.Backend
This transforms given array of floats (from Nengo) to given data type and publishes message with data the to a given ROS topic.
publish(float[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.BooleanBackend
This thing gets data of given format and publishes them as a ROS message to a specified topic.
publish(float[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.FloatBackend
This thing gets data of given format and publishes them as a ROS message to a specified topic.
publish(float[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.IntBackend
This thing gets data of given format and publishes them as a ROS message to a specified topic.
publish(float[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.ColorBackend
This thing gets data of given format and publishes them as a ROS message to a specified topic.
publish(float[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.PoseBackend
This thing gets data of given format and publishes them as a ROS message to a specified topic.
publish(float[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.TwistBackend
This thing gets data of given format and publishes them as a ROS message to a specified topic.
publish(float[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.VelocityBackend
This thing gets data of given format and publishes them as a ROS message to a specified topic.
publisher - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.Gate
publisherA - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.SisoAbstractGate
PublisherTestNode - Class in ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodeTesters
This demo shows how to test DemoPublisher node.
PublisherTestNode() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodeTesters.PublisherTestNode
PublisherTests - Class in ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo
Example ROS test.
PublisherTests() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.PublisherTests
pwd() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.U
PyramidalNetwork - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
Non Linear Network This network is a model of Pyramidal Cells found in the central nervous system These cells contain an active dendritic tree with functional computation occuring within the dendrites themselves.
PyramidalNetwork(String, int, int, IndicatorPDF, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork
PyramidalNetwork(String, int, int, IndicatorPDF, String, boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork
PyramidalNetwork(String, int, int, IndicatorPDF, String) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork
PyramidalNetwork(String, int, int, IndicatorPDF) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork
PyramidalNetwork(String, int, int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork
Gives a default subunit size of 100
PyramidalNetwork(String, int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork
Gives a default number of 20 neurons and 100 dendrites per neuron
PyramidalNetwork(String) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork
Gives a default of 1 dimension
PyramidalNetwork() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork
Default constructor
PyramidalNetwork.PoiraziDendriteFactory - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
Creates neurons which are meant to model the dendrites of pyramidal cells Code is a modified version of NodeFactory written by Bryann Tripp
PyramidalNetwork.PoiraziDendriteFactory() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PyramidalNetwork.PoiraziDendriteFactory
Default constructor Sets spikegenerator factory to a PoiraziDendriteSigmoidFactory


random() - Static method in class ca.nengo.math.PDFTools
Use this rather than Math.random(), to allow user to reproduce random results by setting the seed.
random(int, int, PDF) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
RandomHypersphereVG - Class in ca.nengo.util.impl
Generates random vectors distributed on or in a hypersphere.
RandomHypersphereVG(boolean, float, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.RandomHypersphereVG
RandomHypersphereVG() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.RandomHypersphereVG
Uses default settings (on surface; radius 1; no axis cluster)
RateFunctionSpikeGenerator - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
Rate Function Spike Generator This class generates spikes based on a user defined function.
RateFunctionSpikeGenerator(Function) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.RateFunctionSpikeGenerator
RateFunctionSpikeGenerator(Function, boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.RateFunctionSpikeGenerator
RateFunctionSpikeGenerator.PoiraziDendriteSigmoid - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
Function from Poirazi et al.,2003
RateFunctionSpikeGenerator.PoiraziDendriteSigmoid() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.RateFunctionSpikeGenerator.PoiraziDendriteSigmoid
1D function
RateFunctionSpikeGenerator.PoiraziDendriteSigmoidFactory - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
Spike generator using the rate function PoiraziDendriteSigmoid documented in Poirazi et al.,2003
RateFunctionSpikeGenerator.PoiraziDendriteSigmoidFactory() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.RateFunctionSpikeGenerator.PoiraziDendriteSigmoidFactory
RateFunctionSpikeGenerator.PoiraziSomaSigmoid - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
Currently unused, but could act as a model of the soma
RateFunctionSpikeGenerator.PoiraziSomaSigmoid() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.RateFunctionSpikeGenerator.PoiraziSomaSigmoid
1D function
read() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.DU
readWeights(String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
RealOutput - Interface in ca.nengo.model
Instantaneous output consisting of continuous quantities (e.g.
RealOutputImpl - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
Default implementation of RealOutput.
RealOutputImpl(float[], Units, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.RealOutputImpl
rebuildDecoder(LinearApproximator) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
Recalculates the decoders
Rectifier - Class in ca.nengo.util.impl
Wraps an underlying VectorGenerator, rectifying generated vectors before they are returned.
Rectifier(VectorGenerator) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.Rectifier
Rectifier(VectorGenerator, boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.Rectifier
redefineNodes(Node[]) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Ensemble
Replaces the set of nodes inside the Ensemble
redefineNodes(Node[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
Replaces the set of nodes inside the Ensemble
redefineNodes(Node[], LinearApproximator) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
Changes the set of nodes and recalculates the decoders
refresh(TreePath) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel
register(Class<?>) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ClassRegistry
Registers an implementation against any of the registerable types which it is assignable from.
register(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ClassRegistry
As register(Class), but by name.
registerFunction(String, Function) - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.FunctionInterpreter
Registers a non-standard function for use in future interpretation of function expressions.
registerFunction(String, Function) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.DefaultFunctionInterpreter
releaseMemory() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
Releases memory of all ensembles in the network.
releaseMemory() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
Releases any memory that can be freed.
releaseMemory() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsemble
Releases any memory that can be freed.
remove(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ListPropertyImpl
remove(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.TemplateArrayProperty
remove(int) - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.ListProperty
removeAll() - Method in class ca.nengo.io.MatlabExporter
Clears all variables
removeBias() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.ProjectionImpl
removeBias() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Projection
Deletes bias-related interneurons, projections, origins, and terminations.
removeChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
removeChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractNode
removeChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
removeChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
removeChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
removeChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
removeChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
removeChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
removeChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
removeChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.VisiblyMutable
removeChangeListener(VisiblyMutable.Listener) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
removeChild(SyncedUnitInterface) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.util.sync.impl.SyncedUnit
removeChild(SyncedUnitInterface) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.util.sync.SyncedUnitInterface
removeDecodedOrigin(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.DecodableEnsemble
removeDecodedOrigin(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
removeDecodedTermination(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.DecodableEnsemble
removeDecodedTermination(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
removeEventListener(MyEventListenerInterface) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.newMessageEvent.OnNewRosMessageSource
removeEventListener(MyEventListenerInterface) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.newMessageEvent.OnNewRosMessageSourceInt
removeGroup(NodeGroup) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.RosUtils
removeNode(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
removeNode(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
removeOrigin(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
removeProbe(Probe) - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
removeProbe(Probe) - Method in interface ca.nengo.sim.Simulator
removeProjection(Termination) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
removeProjection(Termination) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
removeProperty(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ConfigurationImpl
removeRegisteredFunction(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.FunctionInterpreter
Removes a registered function.
removeRegisteredFunction(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.DefaultFunctionInterpreter
removeSimulatorListener(SimulatorListener) - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
removeSimulatorListener(SimulatorListener) - Method in interface ca.nengo.sim.Simulator
removeStepListener(StepListener) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
removeStepListener(StepListener) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
removeTags(String) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.JavaSourceParser
removeTermination(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.ExpandableNode
removeTermination(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
removeTermination(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleImpl
removeTermination(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.neuron.ExpandableSynapticIntegrator
removeTermination(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ExpandableSpikingNeuron
removeTermination(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LinearSynapticIntegrator
removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel
removeValue(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.NamedValuePropertyImpl
removeValue(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.NamedValueProperty
Removes a value by name
removeValue(TreePath) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel
renameProperty(String, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ConfigurationImpl
report(String) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.Memory
Prints a message to the console regarding current memory usage.
rescaleDecoders(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
Rescales the decoders.
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
Resets each Node in this Ensemble.
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractNode
Does nothing.
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicOrigin
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicTermination
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleImpl
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleTermination
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
This method does nothing, as the FunctionInput has no state.
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
Resets current to 0 (randomize arg is ignored).
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.TerminationWrapper
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory.NoiseImplFunction
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory.NoiseImplNull
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory.NoiseImplPDF
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode.PassthroughTermination
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.AdditiveGaussianExpressModel
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberSpikeGenerator
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LinearSynapticIntegrator
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator
This method does nothing, because a Poisson process is stateless.
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.RateFunctionSpikeGenerator
useless method for current implementations
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikeGeneratorOrigin
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.BCMTermination
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.hPESTermination
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.ModulatedPlasticEnsembleTermination
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleImpl
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PreLearnTermination
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.STDPTermination
reset(boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Resettable
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.LearningTask
reset() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.ProbeImpl
reset(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.ProbeTask
reset() - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.Probe
Clears collected data.
reset() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.ExternalNodeContainer
Call reset on the node in container.
reset() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode.impl.JNodeContainer
reset() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode.JavaNodeContainer
reset called by Nengo
reset() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.ModContainer
reset() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.ModemContainer
This may not be supported so far
reset() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.RunnableNode
Called on each Nengo reset (open sim.
reset() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
reset(boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
reset(boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.impl.BasicEncoder
reset(boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
reset(boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
resetModem() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.ModContainer
resetModem() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.ModemContainer
This calls (typical Nengo method) reset on modem in the container.
resetNetwork(boolean, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
resetNetwork(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.sim.Simulator
Resets all Nodes in the simulated Network.
resetProbes() - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
resetProbes() - Method in interface ca.nengo.sim.Simulator
Resets all probes in the network, recursively including subnetworks.
Resettable - Interface in ca.nengo.model
An object that can be reset to some initial state.
RK45Integrator - Class in ca.nengo.dynamics.impl
A variable-timestep Integrator, which uses the Dormand-Prince 4th and 5th-order Runge-Kutta formulae.
RK45Integrator(float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.RK45Integrator
RK45Integrator() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.RK45Integrator
Uses default error tolerance of 1e-6
RootFinder - Interface in ca.nengo.math
Finds a root of a function.
ros - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
ros - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.impl.BasicEncoder
ros2ann - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.minmax.F2FPubSub
ros2ann - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.minmax.F2IPubSub
ROSNode - Interface in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem
This Interface just reminds of what ROS node should be able to do.
RosTimeUtil - Interface in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time
This thing handles simulation time between the ROS network and Nengo simulator.
RosTimeUtilFactory - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time
This produces RosTimeUtils - nodes which handle the time between Nengo and ROS network.
RosTimeUtilFactory() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.RosTimeUtilFactory
RosUtils - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils
Here are utilities for simple launching and stopping (some) roscore and rqt utility, if available.
RosUtils() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.RosUtils
round(float[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
rqtRunning() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.RosUtils
run(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
Runs each neuron in the Ensemble.
run(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractNode
Does nothing.
run(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicTermination
Runs the Termination, making a TimeSeries of output from this Termination available from getOutput().
run(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
run(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
run(float, float, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
Runs the model with the optional parameter topLevel.
run(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
run(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.HillMuscle
run(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
run(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
run(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
run(float[], float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
Must be called at each time step after Nodes are run and before getValues().
run(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
run(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
run(float[], float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator
run(float[], float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
Runs the spike generation dynamics and returns a spike if membrane potential rises above spike threshold.
run(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberNeuronFactory.GruberNeuron
run(float[], float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberSpikeGenerator
run(float[], float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
run(float[], float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator
run(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LinearSynapticIntegrator
run(float[], float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator
run(float[], float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.RateFunctionSpikeGenerator
run(float[], float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikeGeneratorOrigin
run(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
run(float[], float[]) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.neuron.SpikeGenerator
Runs the model for a given time segment.
run(float, float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.neuron.SynapticIntegrator
Runs the model for a given time interval.
run(float, float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Node
Runs the Node (including all its components), updating internal state and outputs as needed.
run(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleImpl
run(float, float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
run(float, float, float, boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
Run function with option to display (or not) the progress in the console
run(float, float, float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.sim.Simulator
Runs the Network for the given time range.
run(float, float, float, boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.sim.Simulator
Runs the Network for the given time range.
run(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.LearningTask
run() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThread
run(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.ProbeTask
run(float, float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.ThreadTask
Runs the Task, updating the parent Node as needed
run(float, float) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.Encoder
Run encoder for a given time, that is Combine values on all my Terminations Encode the result into the ROS message Publish the ROS message on a topic which corresponds to the name of Encoder Note that parent NeuralModule is responsible for running all Terminations before running Encoders, so that Terminations contain new values while calling this method.
run(float, float) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.impl.BasicEncoder
run(float, float) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
Connect data on all its Terminations, terminations are ran by the NeuralModule to which they are registered (too).
run(float, float) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.MultiTermination
This supposed that all my Terminations were ran before, so this method just combines values on them to one own value.
run(float, float) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
runAllTerminations(float, float) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
Runs all its Terminations.
runAllTerminations(float, float) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.BasicMultiTermination
RuNativeCode - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.turtle
This is old demo, shows how to launch external process..
RuNativeCode() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.turtle.RuNativeCode
runCombineValues(float, float) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.AbstractMultiTermination
Collects data from its Terminations and sets its own value
runCombineValues(float, float) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.impl.SumMultiTermination
This class sums all values on own Terminations and sets it as own value.
runDemo(boolean) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.ModemF2I
runDemo(boolean) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.MultipleNodesTwoGroups
Launches demo with two identical groups, we can choose whether to make conflict (in published and subscribed topics) or not
runDemo(boolean) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.TwoNodesFactoryDemo
runDemo(String) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.TwoNodesFactoryDemo
runFinished - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
RunnableNode - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl
Class that is able to run external process, read both streams and automatically kill process when a corresponding static variable indicates it.
RunnableNode(List<String>, String) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.RunnableNode
Prepare external runnable node to start.
RunnableNode(String[], String) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.RunnableNode
RunnableNode(List<String>, String, boolean) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.RunnableNode
RunnableNode(String[], String, boolean) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.RunnableNode
running - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.RunnableNode
running() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.Jroscore
runNodes(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.GPUThread
runNodes(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThread
runProjections(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThread
runTasks(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThread


sample() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.ExponentialPDF
sample() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GaussianPDF
sample() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndicatorPDF
sample() - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PoissonPDF
sample() - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.PDF
sampleBoolean(PDF) - Static method in class ca.nengo.math.PDFTools
Note: PDF treated as univariate (only first dimension considered).
sampleFloat(PDF) - Static method in class ca.nengo.math.PDFTools
Note: PDF treated as univariate (only first dimension considered).
sampleInt(PDF) - Static method in class ca.nengo.math.PDFTools
Note: PDF treated as univariate (only first dimension considered).
save(Node, File) - Method in class ca.nengo.io.FileManager
save(TimeSeries, File) - Method in class ca.nengo.io.FileManager
save(int, float, float[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.io.AgentSaver
Save agent into file
saveTransform() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
Saves the weights in the PlasticNodeTerminations within.
saveWeights() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
saveWeights() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.PlasticNodeTermination
Save the current state of the weights so it can be reset there
ScriptGenerator - Class in ca.nengo.util.impl
ScriptGenerator(File) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.ScriptGenerator
ScriptGenException - Exception in ca.nengo.util
ScriptGenException(String) - Constructor for exception ca.nengo.util.ScriptGenException
ScriptGenException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ca.nengo.util.ScriptGenException
ScriptGenException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ca.nengo.util.ScriptGenException
select(String, String, int[], ConnectedNode, boolean) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.BackendUtils
Here are Backends which operate over the message types with user-definable data dimensionality.
select(String, String, ConnectedNode, boolean) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.BackendUtils
Here are message types which have predefined number of dimensions (e.g.
SEND - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.Gate
send() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.Gate
send() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoGate
separator - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NameProvider
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
setA(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
setA(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.SimpleLTISystem
setA(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
setAmplitude(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SineFunction
setAmplitudes(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FourierFunction
setApproximatorFactory(ApproximatorFactory) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleFactoryImpl
setApproximatorFactory(ApproximatorFactory) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsembleFactory
setArraySetter(Method) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ListPropertyImpl
setAutorun(boolean) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.RosUtils
Start core and other utilities automatically?
setAxisClusterFactor(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.RandomHypersphereVG
setB(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
setB(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.SimpleLTISystem
setB(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
setBalanceFactor(double) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.MultiLevelKLNetworkPartitioner
setBias(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.LinearFunction
setBias(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
setC(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
setC(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.SimpleLTISystem
setC(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
setCode(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.AbstractFunction
setCoefficients(float[]) - Method in interface ca.nengo.math.FunctionBasis
setCoefficients(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FunctionBasisImpl
setCoefficients(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.Polynomial
setCollectSpikesRatio(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
setCollectTimings(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThread
setCollectTimings(boolean) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
setCurrentRange(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
setCurrentUnits(Units) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LinearSynapticIntegrator
setD(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
setD(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
setDatabase(File) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleFactoryImpl
setDecoders(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
setDelta(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.NumericallyDifferentiableFunction.NumericalDerivative
setDerivativeDimension(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.NumericallyDifferentiableFunction.NumericalDerivative
setDimension(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.ConstantFunction
setDimension(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IdentityFunction
setDimension(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PostfixFunction
setDimensions(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicOrigin
setDimensions(int) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
setDirectModeDynamics(DynamicalSystem) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
setDirectModeIntegrator(Integrator) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
setDiscontinuities(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PiecewiseConstantFunction
setDisplayProgress(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
setDocumentation(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.AbstractProperty
setDocumentation(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
setDocumentation(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractNode
setDocumentation(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
setDocumentation(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
setDocumentation(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
setDocumentation(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
setDocumentation(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
setDocumentation(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
setDocumentation(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Node
setDocumentation(String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
setDopamine(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberSpikeGenerator
setDynamics(LinearSystem) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
setDynamics(DynamicalSystem) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.BiasTermination
setEncoderFactory(VectorGenerator) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleFactoryImpl
setEncoderFactory(VectorGenerator) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsembleFactory
setEncoders(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
setEnsemble(String) - Method in exception ca.nengo.model.SimulationException
setEnsembleFactory(NEFEnsembleFactory) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
setEnsembleFactory(NEFEnsembleFactory) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsemble
Gives the ensemble a reference to the factory used to created it (useful for adding more neurons later)
setEvalPointFactory(VectorGenerator) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleFactoryImpl
setEvalPointFactory(VectorGenerator) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsembleFactory
setEvalPoints(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
Note: by-products of decoding are sometimes cached, so if these are changed it may be necessary to call setReuseApproximators(false) for the change to take effect.
setExcitation(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.HillMuscle
setExpression(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PostfixFunction
setExpressModel(ExpressModel) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
setFrequencies(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FourierFunction
setFrequency(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NoiseFactory.NoiseImplPDF
setFunction(Function) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.NumericallyDifferentiableFunction
setFunctionOne(Function) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.Convolution
setFunctions(Function[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
setFunctionTwo(Function) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.Convolution
setGenerator(SpikeGenerator) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
setGeneratorFactory(SpikeGeneratorFactory) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuronFactory
setHigh(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndicatorPDF
setHigh(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SigmoidFunction
setIcon(Class<?>, Icon) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.IconRegistry
setIcon(Class<?>, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.IconRegistry
setIdentityDimension(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IdentityFunction
setIncN(PDF) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFNeuronFactory
setIncN(PDF) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator.Factory
setIncN(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator
setIndex(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel.Value
setInflection(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SigmoidFunction
setInflection(PDF) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.SigmoidFactory
setInitialState(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
setInputDimension(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
setInputs(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.HillMuscle
setInserter(Method, Method, Method) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ListPropertyImpl
setIntegrator(Integrator) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
setIntegrator(SynapticIntegrator) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
setIntegratorFactory(SynapticIntegratorFactory) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuronFactory
setIntercept(PDF) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFNeuronFactory
setIntercept(PDF) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFNeuronFactory
setIntercept(PDF) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.LinearFactory
setInterrupt(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.SimulatorEvent
setLabel(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeries1DImpl
setLabel(int, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeriesImpl
setLabel(String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.MAD
setLearning(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl
Sets learning on/off for all ensembles in the network.
setLearning(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleImpl
setLearning(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
setLearningRate(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PESTermination
setLearningRate(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
setLength(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
setLength(float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.muscle.SkeletalMuscle
setLevel(int) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
setLogging(boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
setLow(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndicatorPDF
setLow(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SigmoidFunction
setMap(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.LinearFunction
setMaxIterations(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GradientDescentApproximator
setMaxRate(PDF) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFNeuronFactory
setMaxRate(PDF) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFNeuronFactory
setMaxRate(PDF) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.LinearFactory
setMaxRate(PDF) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.SigmoidFactory
setMaxTimeStep(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator
setMaxTimeStep(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LinearSynapticIntegrator.Factory
setMaxTimeStep(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LinearSynapticIntegrator
setMean(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GaussianPDF
setMetadata(String, Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
setMetaData(String, Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
setMetadata(String, Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
setMetaData(String, Object) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
setMinIntraSpikeTime(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
setMode(SimulationMode) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
When this method is called, setMode(...) is called on each Node in the Ensemble.
setMode(SimulationMode) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractNode
setMode(SimulationMode) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleImpl
This Ensemble does not support SimulationMode.DIRECT.
setMode(SimulationMode) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
This call has no effect.
setMode(SimulationMode) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
setMode(SimulationMode) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
Does nothing (only DEFAULT mode is supported).
setMode(SimulationMode) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
setMode(SimulationMode) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
setMode(SimulationMode) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
setMode(SimulationMode) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
setMode(SimulationMode) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator
DEFAULT and RATE are supported.
setMode(SimulationMode) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
setMode(SimulationMode) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.GruberSpikeGenerator
setMode(SimulationMode) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
setMode(SimulationMode) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator
setMode(SimulationMode) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator
setMode(SimulationMode) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.RateFunctionSpikeGenerator
setMode(SimulationMode) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikeGeneratorOrigin
Need this to fix bug where the generator's mode is changed, but myOutput is still of the type of the old mode
setMode(SimulationMode) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
setMode(SimulationMode) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.SimulationMode.ModeConfigurable
Sets the object to run in either the given mode or the closest mode that it supports (all ModeConfigurables must support SimulationMode.DEFAULT, and must default to this mode).
setMode(SimulationMode) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
setModem(Modem) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.ModContainer
setModem(Modem) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.ModemContainer
Set modem to this ModemContainer
setModem(ModemContainer) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
setModifiers(Method, Method) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.NamedValuePropertyImpl
Sets optional methods used to make the property mutable.
setModTerminationState(String, InstantaneousOutput, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.ModulatedPlasticEnsembleTermination
setModTermName(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.ModulatedPlasticEnsembleTermination
setModulatory(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicTermination
setModulatory(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleTermination
setModulatory(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
setModulatory(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.TerminationWrapper
setModulatory(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode.PassthroughTermination
setModulatory(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
setModulatory(boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Termination
setMyMode(SimulationMode) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
Used to just change the mode of this network (without recursively changing the mode of nodes in the network)
setName(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.AbstractProperty
setName(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.Property
setName(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel.Value
setName(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.AbstractFunction
setName(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
setName(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractNode
setName(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicOrigin
setName(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
setName(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.OriginWrapper
setName(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
setName(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
setName(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
setName(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
setName(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikeGeneratorOrigin
setName(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
setName(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Node
setName(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeries1DImpl
setName(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeriesImpl
setName(String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
setName(String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
setName(String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.util.sync.impl.SyncedUnit
setName(String) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.util.sync.SyncedUnitInterface
setNames(String[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
setNeurons(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
TODO: figure out why I have to add these so that it will show up in the Configure menu (nodeCount doens't appear for some reason)
setNode(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
setNode(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.OriginWrapper
setNode(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
setNode(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LinearSynapticIntegrator
setNode(Node) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.neuron.SynapticIntegrator
This method should be called by the neuron that incorporates this SynapticIntegrator (Terminations need a reference to this).
setNodeCount(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
setNodeCount(int) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsemble
setNodeFactory(NodeFactory) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleFactoryImpl
setNodeFactory(NodeFactory) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsembleFactory
setNodeMain(NodeMain) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode.impl.JNodeContainer
setNodeMain(NodeMain) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode.JavaNodeContainer
Adds a node to this container
setNoise(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator.Factory
setNoise(Noise) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicOrigin
Note that noise is only applied to RealOutput.
setNoise(Noise) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
setNoise(Noise) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
setNoise(Noise) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Noise.Noisy
setNoise(Noise) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
Note that noise is only applied to RealOutput.
setNoises(Noise[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
setNSV(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator.Factory
setNumDevices(int) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
setNumDiscontinuities(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PiecewiseConstantFunction
setNumJavaThreads(int) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
setNumPoints(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.InterpolatedFunction
If this method is used to increase the number of interpolation points, new points are set to equal what was previously the last point.
setObject(Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel.Value
setOja(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PESTermination
setOmega(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SineFunction
setOnSurface(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.RandomHypersphereVG
setOrder(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.Polynomial
setOriginName(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
setOriginState(String, InstantaneousOutput, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
setOriginState(String, InstantaneousOutput, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.STDPTermination
setOutputDimension(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
setOutputUnits(int, Units) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
setPDF(PDF) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PDFFunction
setPeak(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GaussianPDF
setPhases(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FourierFunction
setPlasticityInterval(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleImpl
setPlasticityInterval(float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.plasticity.PlasticEnsemble
setPoints(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndependentDimensionApproximator.EvalPointFactory
setPositive(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.Rectifier
setPreset(IzhikevichSpikeGenerator.Preset) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
setProxy(ConfigurationChangeListener.EditorProxy) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationChangeListener
Called by a ConfigurationHandler's editor.
setQuiet(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator.Factory
setR(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.AdditiveGaussianExpressModel
setRadialInput(float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFNode
setRadialInput(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
setRadii(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
setRadius(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndependentDimensionApproximator.EncoderFactory
setRadius(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.IndependentDimensionApproximator.EvalPointFactory
setRadius(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.RandomHypersphereVG
setRateFunction(Function) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator
setRateFunction(Function) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.RateFunctionSpikeGenerator
setReady(boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.util.sync.impl.SyncedUnit
setReady(boolean) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.util.sync.SyncedUnitInterface
setReceivedRosMessage(Bool) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.BooleanBackend
setReceivedRosMessage(Float32MultiArray) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.FloatBackend
setReceivedRosMessage(Int32MultiArray) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.IntBackend
setReceivedRosMessage(Color) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.ColorBackend
setReceivedRosMessage(Pose) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.PoseBackend
setReceivedRosMessage(Twist) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.TwistBackend
setReceivedRosMessage(Velocity) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.VelocityBackend
setRectified(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.LinearFunction
setRectified(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.LinearFactory
setRectified(VectorGenerator) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.Rectifier
setRequireAllOutputsOnCPU(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
setRequiredOnCPU(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicOrigin
setRequiredOnCPU(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleOrigin
setRequiredOnCPU(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl.ArrayOrigin
setRequiredOnCPU(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.OriginWrapper
setRequiredOnCPU(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.ProbeableOrigin
setRequiredOnCPU(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
setRequiredOnCPU(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikeGeneratorOrigin
setRequiredOnCPU(boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Origin
setRequiredOnCPU(boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
setReuseApproximators(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
setRosDimensions() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.BackendUtils
This is experimental and it should set the layout of ROS message according to dimensionSizes parsed from Jython script.
setRowHeight(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.AquaTreeUI
setRqtAutorun(boolean) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.RosUtils
Should the RQT start automatically?
setSamplingRate(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.ProbeImpl
setSamplingRate(float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.Probe
setScale(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
setScalePeakWithVariance(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GaussianPDF
setScaling(DecodedTermination) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
setSeed(long) - Static method in class ca.nengo.math.PDFTools
setSeriesDimension(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FixedSignalFunction
setSeriesDimension(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.TimeSeriesFunction
setSetter(Method) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ListPropertyImpl
setSignal(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.FixedSignalFunction
setSimulator(Simulator) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
setSimulator(Simulator) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
setSize(int) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.MAD
setSlope(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.SigmoidFunction
setSlope(PDF) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.PoissonSpikeGenerator.SigmoidFactory
setSpikePattern(float[], float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
setSpikeThreshold(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
setStartingCoefficients(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GradientDescentApproximator
setState(float[]) - Method in interface ca.nengo.dynamics.DynamicalSystem
setState(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.AbstractDynamicalSystem
setState(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
setState(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.HillMuscle.Dynamics
setStateDimension(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.LTISystem
setStates(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleImpl
setStaticBias(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
setStepSize(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.EulerIntegrator
setStepSize(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.Convolution
setStepSize(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
setSTPDynamics(DynamicalSystem) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
setSTPDynamics(DynamicalSystem) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.plasticity.ShortTermPlastic
setStride(int) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.MAD
setSupervisionRatio(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.hPESTermination
setSynchronous(boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
setSynchronous(boolean) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.modules.NeuralModule
Turn synchronous communication on/off.
setSynchronous(boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.util.sync.impl.SyncedUnit
setSynchronous(boolean) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.util.sync.SyncedUnitInterface
setTasks(ThreadTask[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
setTasks(ThreadTask[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleImpl
setTasks(ThreadTask[]) - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.TaskSpawner
setTau(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.ExponentialPDF
setTau(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicTermination
setTau(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleTermination
setTau(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
setTau(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.TerminationWrapper
setTau(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode.PassthroughTermination
setTau(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
setTau(float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Termination
setTauN(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFNeuronFactory
setTauN(PDF) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator.Factory
setTauN(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator
setTauRC(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFNeuronFactory
setTauRC(PDF) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator.Factory
setTauRC(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator
setTauRC(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFNeuronFactory
setTauRC(PDF) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator.Factory
setTauRC(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator
setTauRef(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFNeuronFactory
setTauRef(PDF) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator.Factory
setTauRef(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.ALIFSpikeGenerator
setTauRef(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFNeuronFactory
setTauRef(PDF) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator.Factory
setTauRef(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LIFSpikeGenerator
setTerminationState(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
setTime(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
setTime(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
Allows subclasses to set the simulation time, which is used to support Probeable.
setTimeIgnore() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.RosUtils
setTimeMaster() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.RosUtils
sets the NengoROS as a time master (selected by default).
setTimeSeries(TimeSeries) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.TimeSeriesFunction
setTimeSeries(TimeSeries) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.LinearInterpolatorND
setTimeSeries(TimeSeries1D) - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.Interpolator
setTimeSeries(TimeSeries) - Method in interface ca.nengo.util.InterpolatorND
setTimeSlave() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.RosUtils
setTolerance(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.RK45Integrator
setTolerance(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GradientDescentApproximator
setTransform(float[][]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
setTransform(float[][], boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
setTransientTime(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
setUniqueNames() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
store the uniquenames, that is: if namespace not set, just copy the old names (these are most likely modified by the nameprovider), if namespace is set, use the complete name unique names are composed of: group__i + / + name
setUnits(Units) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicOrigin
setUnits(Units) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.LinearSynapticIntegrator.Factory
setUnits(Units) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeries1DImpl
setUnits(int, Units) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeriesImpl
setUnits(Units) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
setUseAutoKiller(boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.UNodeContainer
define whether you want to start autokiller or not.
setUseGPU(boolean) - Static method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator
setUseGPU(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
setUseGPU(boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
setUserInterface(boolean) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.Environment
setValue(int, Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.ListPropertyImpl
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.NamedValuePropertyImpl
setValue(Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.NamedValuePropertyImpl
setValue(Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.SingleValuedPropertyImpl
By default, attempts to call method setX(y) on Configurable, where X is the name of the property (with first letter capitalized) and y is the value (changed to a primitive if it's a primitive wrapper).
setValue(int, Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.TemplateArrayProperty
setValue(Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.impl.TemplateProperty
setValue(int, Object) - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.ListProperty
setValue(String, Object) - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.NamedValueProperty
Sets a value by name.
setValue(Object) - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.NamedValueProperty
Sets an automatically-named value
setValue(Object) - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.SingleValuedProperty
setValue(TreePath, Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel
setValue(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.ConstantFunction
setValues(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.PiecewiseConstantFunction
setValues(float, float, float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicOrigin
This method is normally called by the Node that contains this Origin, to set the input that is read by other nodes from getValues().
setValues(InstantaneousOutput) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicOrigin
This method is normally called by the Node that contains this Origin, to set the input that is read by other nodes from getValues().
setValues(InstantaneousOutput) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.BasicTermination
setValues(InstantaneousOutput) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.DelayedLinearExponentialTermination
Adds a value to this termination's queue.
setValues(InstantaneousOutput) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleOrigin
setValues(InstantaneousOutput) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleTermination
setValues(InstantaneousOutput) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
setValues(InstantaneousOutput) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkArrayImpl.ArrayOrigin
setValues(InstantaneousOutput) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.OriginWrapper
setValues(InstantaneousOutput) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.TerminationWrapper
setValues(InstantaneousOutput) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode.PassthroughTermination
setValues(InstantaneousOutput) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.ProbeableOrigin
setValues(InstantaneousOutput) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
setValues(RealOutput) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedOrigin
setValues(InstantaneousOutput) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodedTermination
setValues(InstantaneousOutput) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikeGeneratorOrigin
setValues(InstantaneousOutput) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Origin
setValues(InstantaneousOutput) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Termination
setValues(float, float, float[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
--This method should not be called from the outside-- setValues is called by my own Event listener This method is normally called by the Node that contains this Origin, to set the input that is read by other nodes from getValues().
setValues(InstantaneousOutput) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
--This method should not be called from the outside-- setValues is called by my own Event listener This method is normally called by the Node that contains this Origin, to set the input that is read by other nodes from getValues().
setVariance(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.GaussianPDF
setVoltageDim(int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.DynamicalSystemSpikeGenerator
setWeightProbabilities(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
setWeights(float[], boolean) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
setWeights(float[], boolean) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.PlasticNodeTermination
setWindow(float) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.Convolution
setWrappedOrigin(Origin) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl.OriginWrapper
setX(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.InterpolatedFunction
setY(float[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.InterpolatedFunction
shape(float[][], int, int) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
sharedInstance() - Static method in class ca.nengo.math.impl.DefaultFunctionInterpreter
ShortTermPlastic - Interface in ca.nengo.model.plasticity
Something (like a synapse) that is subject to short-term plasticity.
showChart(JFreeChart, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.impl.DefaultPlotter
showDialog(Component, Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.NewConfigurableDialog
Opens a NewConfigurableDialog through which the user can construct a new object, and returns the constructed object.
showGPUTiming() - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
showHelp(String) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.ConfigUtil
Displays given text in a help window.
showPlot(JPanel, String) - Method in class ca.nengo.plot.Plotter
Display a new plot.
shutDown(String[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NameProvider
Shutdown nodes, that is: remove them from the map.
shutDown(String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NameProvider
shutDown(String, String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NameProvider
shutDown(String[], String) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NameProvider
SigmoidFunction - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A one-dimensional sigmoid function with configurable high and low values, slope, and inflection point.
SigmoidFunction() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SigmoidFunction
Default parameters (inflection=0; slope=1/4; low=0; high=1).
SigmoidFunction(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SigmoidFunction
SimpleFunctions - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A collection of Functions that do not have parameters.
SimpleFunctions() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions
SimpleFunctions.Acos - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
In radians.
SimpleFunctions.Acos() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Acos
Wrapper around Math.acos
SimpleFunctions.Asin - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
In radians.
SimpleFunctions.Asin() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Asin
Wrapper around Math.asin
SimpleFunctions.Atan - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
In radians.
SimpleFunctions.Atan() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Atan
Wrapper around Math.atan
SimpleFunctions.Cos - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
In radians.
SimpleFunctions.Cos() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Cos
Wrapper around Math.cos
SimpleFunctions.Exp - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
SimpleFunctions.Exp() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Exp
Wrapper around Math.exp
SimpleFunctions.Fold - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
Computes the image of x0 \in \mathbb{R} in the quotient group \mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}.
SimpleFunctions.Fold() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Fold
Wrapper around (x0 - Math.ceil(x0-0.5))
SimpleFunctions.InverseNormal - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
Computes the inverse of the normal distribution
SimpleFunctions.InverseNormal() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.InverseNormal
Wrapper around NormalDist.inverseF
SimpleFunctions.Ln - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
SimpleFunctions.Ln() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Ln
Wrapper around Math.log
SimpleFunctions.Log10 - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
SimpleFunctions.Log10() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Log10
Wrapper around Math.log10
SimpleFunctions.Log2 - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
SimpleFunctions.Log2() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Log2
Wrapper around Math.log/Math.log(2)
SimpleFunctions.Max - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
SimpleFunctions.Max() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Max
Wrapper around Math.max
SimpleFunctions.Min - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
SimpleFunctions.Min() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Min
Wrapper around Math.min
SimpleFunctions.Normal - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
Computes the normal distribution's cumulative density function
SimpleFunctions.Normal() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Normal
Wrapper around NormalDist.cdf
SimpleFunctions.Pow - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
SimpleFunctions.Pow() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Pow
Wrapper around Math.pow
SimpleFunctions.Sin - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
In radians.
SimpleFunctions.Sin() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Sin
Wrapper around Math.sin
SimpleFunctions.Sqrt - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
Square root of x
SimpleFunctions.Sqrt() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Sqrt
Wrapper around Math.sqrt
SimpleFunctions.Tan - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
In radians.
SimpleFunctions.Tan() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SimpleFunctions.Tan
Wrapper around Math.tan
SimpleLTISystem - Class in ca.nengo.dynamics.impl
A linear time-invariant system with the following properties: A diagonal dynamics matrix A zero passthrough matrix This implementation will run faster than an instance of the superclass that has these properties.
SimpleLTISystem(float[], float[][], float[][], float[], Units[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.SimpleLTISystem
See also LTISystem.
SimpleLTISystem(int, int, int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.dynamics.impl.SimpleLTISystem
Creates an appropriately-dimensioned system with all-zero matrices, so that elements can be changed later.
simTime - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.RosTimeUtilFactory
SimulationException - Exception in ca.nengo.model
A problem encountered while trying to run a simulation.
SimulationException(String) - Constructor for exception ca.nengo.model.SimulationException
SimulationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ca.nengo.model.SimulationException
SimulationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ca.nengo.model.SimulationException
SimulationMode - Enum in ca.nengo.model
A SimulationMode is a way in which a Neuron or Ensemble can be simulated.
SimulationMode.ModeConfigurable - Interface in ca.nengo.model
Something that has runs in different SimulationModes.
simulationStopped() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl.DefaultTimeMaster
If new script is launched, the TimeMaster does not have to be restarted.
simulationStopped() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl.DefaultTimeSlave
simulationStopped() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl.IgnoreTime
simulationStopped() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.RosTimeUtil
Used to indicate that the script was reloaded during the application run.
Simulator - Interface in ca.nengo.sim
Runs simulations of a Network.
SimulatorEvent - Class in ca.nengo.sim
SimulatorEvent(float, SimulatorEvent.Type) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.sim.SimulatorEvent
SimulatorEvent.Type - Enum in ca.nengo.sim
SimulatorListener - Interface in ca.nengo.sim
SineFunction - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
Function wrapper for sin(omega x), where x is in radians and omega is the angular frequency.
SineFunction() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SineFunction
Uses default angular frequency of 2pi and amplitude of 1
SineFunction(float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SineFunction
Uses default amplitude of 1.
SineFunction(float, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.SineFunction
SingleValuedProperty - Interface in ca.nengo.config
A Property that has a single value.
SingleValuedPropertyImpl - Class in ca.nengo.config.impl
Default implementation of single-valued Properties.
SingleValuedPropertyImpl(Configuration, String, Class<?>, Method) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.impl.SingleValuedPropertyImpl
Constructor for immutable single-valued properties.
SingleValuedPropertyImpl(Configuration, String, Class<?>, Method, Method) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.impl.SingleValuedPropertyImpl
Constructor for mutable single-valued properties.
SisoAbstractGate<T> - Class in ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util
SisoAbstractGate() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.SisoAbstractGate
SkeletalMuscle - Interface in ca.nengo.model.muscle
A model of a skeletal muscle or muscle group.
SkeletalMuscleImpl - Class in ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl
Basic SkeletalMuscle implementation with unspecified activation-force dynamics.
SkeletalMuscleImpl(String, DynamicalSystem) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
sleepTime - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.Gate
somethingReceived() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodeTesters.PublisherTestNode
sort(SpikePattern, Ensemble) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.DataUtils
Attempts to sort a SpikePattern by properties of the associated neurons.
SpikeGenerator - Interface in ca.nengo.model.neuron
Spike generation model, ie a component of a neuron model that receives driving current and generates spikes.
SpikeGeneratorFactory - Interface in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
Creates SpikeGenerators.
SpikeGeneratorOrigin - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
An Origin that obtains output from an underlying SpikeGenerator.
SpikeGeneratorOrigin(Node, SpikeGenerator) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikeGeneratorOrigin
SpikeOutput - Interface in ca.nengo.model
InstantaneousOutput consisting of spikes.
SpikeOutputImpl - Class in ca.nengo.model.impl
Default implementation of SpikeOutput.
SpikeOutputImpl(boolean[], Units, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.impl.SpikeOutputImpl
SpikePattern - Interface in ca.nengo.util
A temporal pattern of spiking in an Ensemble.
SpikePatternImpl - Class in ca.nengo.util.impl
Default implementation of SpikePattern.
SpikePatternImpl(int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.SpikePatternImpl
SpikingNeuron - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
A neuron model composed of a SynapticIntegrator and a SpikeGenerator.
SpikingNeuron(SynapticIntegrator, SpikeGenerator, float, float, String) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
Note: current = scale * (weighted sum of inputs at each termination) * (radial input) + bias.
SpikingNeuronFactory - Class in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
Creates spiking neurons by delegating to a SynapticIntegratorFactory and a SpikeGeneratorFactory.
SpikingNeuronFactory(SynapticIntegratorFactory, SpikeGeneratorFactory, PDF, PDF) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuronFactory
start() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.ExternalNodeContainer
Launch the ROS node.
start() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode.impl.JNodeContainer
start() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.ModContainer
start() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.RunnableNode
Try to start external process, start stream consumers.
start() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.UNodeContainer
start(String) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.Jroscore
start(boolean) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.Jroscore
start() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.Jroscore
startAutoKiller() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.RunnableNode
Start the autokiller: a thread that checks static variable which notifies that processes should exit.
startAutoKiller() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.NativeNodeContainer
startDefaultTimeMaster(ArrayList<JavaNodeContainer>) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.RosTimeUtilFactory
Launches default time master node.
startDefaultTimeSlave(ArrayList<JavaNodeContainer>) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.RosTimeUtilFactory
Launches the default time slave node.
startDFS(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.DFSIterator
startDFS(Node) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.ScriptGenerator
startGroup() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
startParamHandler(ArrayList<JavaNodeContainer>) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.RosTimeUtilFactory
Start the parameter handler for Nengo, this does not listen to the simulation time, so bug in the Rosjava (where timeProvider not started, the getCurrentTime and getLog throw NLP) will not affect it.
startProcess(String) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.ProcessLauncher
startProcess(String[]) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.ProcessLauncher
startTime - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.decoders.impl.BasicDecoder
STATE_NAME - Static variable in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
Name for the default input
StatefulIndexFinder - Class in ca.nengo.util.impl
An IndexFinder that searches linearly, starting where the last answer was.
StatefulIndexFinder(float[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.StatefulIndexFinder
STATIC_ORIGIN_NAME - Static variable in interface ca.nengo.model.muscle.MuscleSpindle
Default name for the static origin
STATIC_SPINDLE_ORIGIN - Static variable in interface ca.nengo.model.muscle.SkeletalMuscle
STDPTermination - Class in ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl
A PlasticTermination implementing a PlasticityRule that accepts spiking input.
STDPTermination(Node, String, LinearExponentialTermination[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.STDPTermination
step(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.sim.impl.LocalSimulator
step(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
step(float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
Tell the threads in the current thread pool to take a step.
StepListener - Interface in ca.nengo.model
stepStarted(float) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.StepListener
stop() - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.ExternalNodeContainer
Stop the ROS node.
stop() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode.impl.JNodeContainer
stop() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.ModContainer
stop() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.RunnableNode
This stops the process, so the StreamGlobbers will exit themselves too.
stop() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.UNodeContainer
Here is the only modification, this class notifies NameProvider about exiting.
stop() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.Jroscore
stopAllNodes() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.RosUtils
stopGroup() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup
stopNME() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.RosTimeUtilFactory
stopProbing(String) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Ensemble
stopProbing(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.AbstractEnsemble
stopProbing(String) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DecodableEnsembleImpl
StringHandler - Class in ca.nengo.config.handlers
ConfigurationHandler for String values.
StringHandler() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.handlers.StringHandler
ConfigurationHandler for String values.
stripSuffix(String, String) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.ConfigUtil
StructuralException - Exception in ca.nengo.model
A structural problem in setting up a Network.
StructuralException(String) - Constructor for exception ca.nengo.model.StructuralException
StructuralException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ca.nengo.model.StructuralException
StructuralException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ca.nengo.model.StructuralException
subsample(TimeSeries, int) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.DataUtils
Draws one of every period samples from a given TimeSeries.
subscriberA - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoAbstractGate
subscriberA - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.SisoAbstractGate
subscriberB - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.MisoAbstractGate
SubscriberTestNode - Class in ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodeTesters
This demo shows how to test DemoSubscriber node.
SubscriberTestNode() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodeTesters.SubscriberTestNode
SubscriberTests - Class in ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo
Example how to test ROS node-based components.
SubscriberTests() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.SubscriberTests
subset(SpikePattern, int, int, int) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.DataUtils
Extracts spikes of selected neurons from a given SpikePattern.
subset(SpikePattern, int[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.DataUtils
Extracts spikes of selected neurons from a given SpikePattern.
sum(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
sum(float[], float[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
sum(float[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
SumMultiTermination - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.impl
The Nengo did not have sufficient support of connecting multiple Origins to one Termination.
SumMultiTermination(NeuralModule, String, Integrator, DynamicalSystem) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.impl.SumMultiTermination
sumToIndex(float[], int) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
SynapticIntegrator - Interface in ca.nengo.model.neuron
Model of synaptic integration in a dendritic tree and soma.
SynapticIntegratorFactory - Interface in ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl
Creates SynapticIntegrators.
SyncedUnit - Class in ctu.nengoros.util.sync.impl
Class for synchronization (e.g.
SyncedUnit(String) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.util.sync.impl.SyncedUnit
SyncedUnit(boolean, String) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.util.sync.impl.SyncedUnit
SyncedUnit() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.util.sync.impl.SyncedUnit
SyncedUnit(boolean) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.util.sync.impl.SyncedUnit
SyncedUnitInterface - Interface in ctu.nengoros.util.sync
This is supposed to implement simple synchronization between Nengo and ROS nodes.
synchronous - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.util.sync.impl.SyncedUnit


takeGPUNodes(Node[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
Finds all nodes in the given array which are supposed to execute on the GPU.
takeGPUProjections(Projection[]) - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NEFGPUInterface
Finds all projections in the given array which are supposed to execute on the GPU.
TaskSpawner - Interface in ca.nengo.util
A node that uses ThreadTasks.
TemplateArrayProperty - Class in ca.nengo.config.impl
A ListProperty that is not attached to getter/setter methods on an underlying class, but instead stores its values internally.
TemplateArrayProperty(Configuration, String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.impl.TemplateArrayProperty
TemplateProperty - Class in ca.nengo.config.impl
A SingleValuedProperty that is not attached to getter/setter methods on an underlying class, but instead stores its value internally.
TemplateProperty(Configuration, String, Class<?>, Object) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.impl.TemplateProperty
TERMINATION - Static variable in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
Default name for a termination
Termination - Interface in ca.nengo.model
A destination for information in a circuit model.
TerminationFactory - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.impl
BBuilds terminations for the MultiTermination
TerminationFactory() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.impl.TerminationFactory
testDemoSubscriberConnections() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.PublisherTests
Testing the subscriber: start tested publisher and tester node obtain the tester node wait for tester to be registered and to establish the communication between nodes give them 500ms for communication shutdown nodes
testDemoSubscriberConnections() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.SubscriberTests
Testing the subscriber: start tested subscriber and tester node obtain the tester node wait for tester to be registered and to establish the communication between nodes give them 500ms for communication shutdown nodes
threadFinished() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
Called by the threads in this pool to signal that they are done a phase.
threadsRunning - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
ThreadTask - Interface in ca.nengo.util
Any task in a Network that can be run independently but belongs to a specific part of the Network.
threadWait() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
Called by the threads in this node pool.
time - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.RosTimeUtilFactory
TimeSeries - Interface in ca.nengo.util
A series of vector values at ordered points in time.
TimeSeries1D - Interface in ca.nengo.util
A TimeSeries that consists of 1-dimensional values, with convenience methods for accessing 1D values and units.
TimeSeries1DImpl - Class in ca.nengo.util.impl
Default implementation of TimeSeries.
TimeSeries1DImpl(float[], float[], Units) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeries1DImpl
TimeSeriesFunction - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A Function based on interpolation of a TimeSeries.
TimeSeriesFunction(TimeSeries, int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.TimeSeriesFunction
TimeSeriesImpl - Class in ca.nengo.util.impl
Default implementation of TimeSeriesND.
TimeSeriesImpl(float[], float[][], Units[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeriesImpl
TimeSeriesImpl(float[], float[][], Units[], String[]) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.impl.TimeSeriesImpl
toAr(String[]) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.Mess
toAr(List<String>) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.Mess
toAr(ArrayList<String>) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.Mess
toAr(float[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.minmax.F2FPubSub
toAr(float[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.minmax.F2IPubSub
toAr(float[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.pubsub.DemoPublisher
toArray() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.MU.MatrixExpander
toArray() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.MU.VectorExpander
topicIn - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.pubsub.DemoSubscriber
topicIn - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodeTesters.PublisherTestNode
topicIn - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodeTesters.SubscriberTestNode
topicOut - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.pubsub.DemoPublisher
topLevel - Variable in class ca.nengo.util.impl.DFSIterator
toPostScript(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
toPostScript(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Network
toRawMessage() - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.MAD
toScript(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.EnsembleImpl
toScript(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.FunctionInput
toScript(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.NetworkImpl
toScript(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.PassthroughNode
toScript(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.ProjectionImpl
toScript(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.LinkSegmentModelImpl
toScript(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.muscle.impl.SkeletalMuscleImpl
toScript(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.NEFEnsembleImpl
toScript(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.SpikingNeuron
toScript(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Node
toScript(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.Projection
toScript(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.modules.impl.DefaultNeuralModule
toStr(float[][]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.impl.SumMultiTermination
toStr(Float[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.impl.SumMultiTermination
toStr(float[]) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.encoders.multiTermination.impl.SumMultiTermination
toStr(List<String>) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.ProcessLauncher
toStr(float[]) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.LU
toStr(int[]) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.LU
toStr(float[][]) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.LU
toString(Object) - Method in interface ca.nengo.config.ConfigurationHandler
toString(Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.BaseHandler
toString(Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.MatrixHandler
toString(float[][], char, String) - Static method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.MatrixHandler
toString(Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.handlers.VectorHandler
toString(Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.MainHandler
toString() - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel.NullValue
toString() - Method in enum ca.nengo.model.Units
toString(float[][], int) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
TODO: handle exponential notation
transpose(float[]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
transpose(float[][]) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
turnOffMultithreading() - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThreadPool
TwistBackend - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle
The velocity - based control of ROS demo turtlesim is outdated, now the geometry/Twist is used.
TwistBackend(String, String, ConnectedNode, boolean) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.TwistBackend
twoDependent() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.MultipleNodesTwoGroups
Launches demo where two nodes are dependent and third one is independent (no conflict..)
TwoNodesFactoryDemo - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo
This demo starts roscore and launches two nodes in one group of nodes.
TwoNodesFactoryDemo() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.TwoNodesFactoryDemo
TwoTurtles - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.turtle
Runs two independent simulations of turtle, each with own controls.
TwoTurtles() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.demo.turtle.TwoTurtles
TYPES_LOCATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class ca.nengo.config.ClassRegistry
Location of types...


U - Static variable in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
Recovery state variable
U - Class in ctu.nengoros.tools.utils
U() - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.U
uniform(Units, int) - Static method in enum ca.nengo.model.Units
Returns an array of Units in which all Units are the same.
uniform(int, int, float) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
uniqueName - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.NodeGroup.MyNodeConfig
Units - Enum in ca.nengo.model
Models units for physical quantities.
UnitsHandler - Class in ca.nengo.config.handlers
ConfigurationHandler for Units values.
UnitsHandler() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.handlers.UnitsHandler
ConfigurationHandler for Units values.
UnixNodeNotFoundExc - Exception in ctu.nengoros.exceptions
Is thrown if unix (non-java) node that should be launched is not found.
UnixNodeNotFoundExc(String, String) - Constructor for exception ctu.nengoros.exceptions.UnixNodeNotFoundExc
Just say where it happened and why..
UnixNodeNotFoundExc(String) - Constructor for exception ctu.nengoros.exceptions.UnixNodeNotFoundExc
UnixNodeNotFoundExc(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ctu.nengoros.exceptions.UnixNodeNotFoundExc
UnixNodeNotFoundExc(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ctu.nengoros.exceptions.UnixNodeNotFoundExc
UNodeContainer - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl
Compared to RunnableNode, this allows NodeFactory (more concretely a NameProvider) to know about stopping the process.
UNodeContainer(List<String>, String) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.UNodeContainer
UNodeContainer(String[], String) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.UNodeContainer
UNodeContainer(List<String>, String, boolean) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.UNodeContainer
UNodeContainer(String[], String, boolean) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.UNodeContainer
UnsupportedMessageFormatExc - Exception in ctu.nengoros.exceptions
Should deal with unsupported format of ROS messages.
UnsupportedMessageFormatExc(String, String) - Constructor for exception ctu.nengoros.exceptions.UnsupportedMessageFormatExc
update() - Method in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.ExpressModel
To be called after a change in radii or decoders.
update() - Method in class ca.nengo.model.nef.impl.DefaultExpressModel
updateCurrent(boolean, float, float) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.impl.LinearExponentialTermination
Updates net post-synaptic current for this Termination according to new inputs and exponential dynamics applied to previous inputs.
updateFiltered(float[], float[], float, float) - Static method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
updateRaw(float[], InstantaneousOutput, float) - Static method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
updateTransform(float, int, int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.BCMTermination
updateTransform(float, int, int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.hPESTermination
updateTransform(float, int, int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PESTermination
updateTransform(float, int, int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PlasticEnsembleTermination
updateTransform(float, int, int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.PreLearnTermination
updateTransform(float, int, int) - Method in class ca.nengo.model.plasticity.impl.STDPTermination
useLogging(boolean) - Method in interface ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.ExternalNodeContainer
whether to print to console
useLogging(boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.javanode.impl.JNodeContainer
useLogging(boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.modem.impl.ModContainer
useLogging(boolean) - Method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.nodeFactory.nativenode.impl.RunnableNode
USER_INTERFACE - Static variable in class ca.nengo.util.Environment
Name of system property underlying inUserInterface()
utilsShallStart() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.RosUtils
By default, if any ROS node is launched, this is called and tries to launch ROS Core, RQT, TimeMaster and ParamServer.
utilsShallStop() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.RosUtils
When the Nengo application stops, do this:


V - Static variable in class ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator
Voltage state variable
valueForPathChanged(TreePath, Object) - Method in class ca.nengo.config.ui.ConfigurationTreeModel
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator.Preset
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ca.nengo.model.SimulationMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ca.nengo.model.Units
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ca.nengo.sim.SimulatorEvent.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum ca.nengo.model.neuron.impl.IzhikevichSpikeGenerator.Preset
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ca.nengo.model.SimulationMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ca.nengo.model.Units
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ca.nengo.sim.SimulatorEvent.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
variance(float[], float) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU
VectorGenerator - Interface in ca.nengo.util
A tool for generating sets of uniformly or randomly distributed vectors.
VectorHandler - Class in ca.nengo.config.handlers
ConfigurationHandler for float[] values.
VectorHandler() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.config.handlers.VectorHandler
ConfigurationHandler for float[] values.
VelocityBackend - Class in ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle
The velocity - based control of ROS demo turtlesim is outdated, now the geometry/Twist is used.
VelocityBackend(String, String, ConnectedNode, boolean) - Constructor for class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosBackend.backend.impl.turtle.VelocityBackend
VisiblyMutable - Interface in ca.nengo.util
An object that fires an event when its properties change in such a way that it expects the user interface to display it differently.
VisiblyMutable.Event - Interface in ca.nengo.util
Encapsulates a change to a VisiblyMutable object.
VisiblyMutable.Listener - Interface in ca.nengo.util
A listener for changes to a VisiblyMutable object.
VisiblyMutable.NameChangeEvent - Interface in ca.nengo.util
Encapsulates a change in the name of a VisiblyMutable object.
VisiblyMutable.NodeRemovedEvent - Interface in ca.nengo.util
Encapsulates a "node removed" change in the VisiblyMutable object.
VisiblyMutableUtils - Class in ca.nengo.util
Utility methods for VisiblyMutable objects.
VisiblyMutableUtils() - Constructor for class ca.nengo.util.VisiblyMutableUtils


wait(int) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.Mess
waitForKey() - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.Mess
waitForPool() - Method in class ca.nengo.util.impl.NodeThread
waitms(int) - Static method in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.Mess
waitTime - Static variable in class ctu.nengoros.comm.rosutils.utilNode.time.impl.DefaultTimeSlave
WARN - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.tools.utils.Logger
WeightedCostApproximator - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
A LinearApproximator in which error is evaluated at a fixed set of points, and the cost function that is minimized is a weighted integral of squared error.
WeightedCostApproximator(float[][], float[][], Function, float, int, boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator
WeightedCostApproximator(float[][][], float[][][], Function, float, int, boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator
WeightedCostApproximator(float[][], float[][], Function, float, int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator
WeightedCostApproximator.Factory - Class in ca.nengo.math.impl
An ApproximatorFactory that produces WeightedCostApproximators.
WeightedCostApproximator.Factory(float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator.Factory
WeightedCostApproximator.Factory(float, boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator.Factory
WeightedCostApproximator.Factory(float, int) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator.Factory
WeightedCostApproximator.Factory(float, int, boolean) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.math.impl.WeightedCostApproximator.Factory
WORKING_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class ca.nengo.util.Environment
Name of String property that contains path of user's working directory
write(File) - Method in class ca.nengo.io.MatlabExporter
Writes to given destination the data that have been added to this exporter.
WriteToDiskSimulatorListener - Class in ca.nengo.sim.impl
A method of writing to disk values being tracked by a probe.
WriteToDiskSimulatorListener(File, Probe, float) - Constructor for class ca.nengo.sim.impl.WriteToDiskSimulatorListener


X - Static variable in interface ca.nengo.model.nef.NEFEnsemble
Standard name for the Origin corresponding to the decoded estimate of the state variables that Ensemble represents (X is a standard name for state variables in state-space models).


yT - Variable in class ctu.nengoros.testsuit.demo.nodes.gate.util.Gate


zero(int, int) - Static method in class ca.nengo.util.MU